Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 11, 1998

Tryon Wells, Ian MacGregor, Brad Coolidge, John Stapko, John Cunningham, Ann Marie Cunningham, David Winer, Jane Winer, Peggy Thomson, Phil Jones, Renee Dunham, Betty Burchell

President Tryon Wells called the meeting to order at 8:09pm.

David and Jane Winer, the new co-editors of The Islander, were commended for a successful first publication of the November issue. They will explore ways to improve the quality of photographs in future issues.

Susan Garbini reported no changes.

New Business:
Tryon Wells proposed a number of measures to amend the current Bylaws and Standing Rules on various topics. After some discussion and some wording changes, the following changes were voted upon and unanimously approved:

Two new supervisory positions were created and were added to the list of supervisors in Bylaw No. 3: Supervisor of Relief Caretaking and Supervisor of Website.

The description of their duties in the Standing Rules reads as follows:

3S. Supervisor of Relief Caretaking
a. Shall call, coordinate and schedule volunteers to serve as relief caretakers for the weekend day off of the regular caretaker.
b. Shall inform relief caretakers of responsibilities of duty.
c. Submit a list each month to the Sycamore Islander of the members so scheduled.

3T. Supervisor of Website
a. Shall administer all aspects of the club's website with regard to website hosting services, Internet authorities, Internet Service Providers and the like.
b. Shall maintain the club's website with timely information regarding large parties, articles, minutes of monthly meetings (excluding sensitive information) and relief caretaker schedules.
c. Shall work with the Archivist to present as much information as can be reasonably maintained of historical value in digital format for easy access by members.
d. Shall make other general information available on the site for the convenience of members such as locker and canoe rack assignments, and procedural information such as application for membership and large party application requirements.

After owning up to the fact that somehow the description of the duties of the Supervisor of Grounds had disappeared inadvertently (overzealous cutting and pasting) from the Standing Rules approved earlier this year, it was formally re-inserted with its original wording:

3Q. Supervisor of Grounds
a. Have charge of and supervise all landscaping and maintenance of the grounds, lawns and walks, trees and shrubbery on the Islands.
b. Serve on the Safety Committee.

In reaction to a spontaneous explosion of overnight camping last summer without significant prior notice given to the caretakers, the following Camping article in the Standing Rules was approved:

15. Camping Rules
The following rules shall be observed regarding camping on the Islands:
a. Camping overnight shall be for one night only unless approved by the Supervisor of Camping and Parties and coordinated with the caretaker.
b. All overnight camping, whether individual or group, shall be scheduled with and approved by the Supervisor of Camping and Parties at least 3 days prior to the date requested. Large Parties that involve overnight camping are subject to the provisions in Standing Rule 9, Large Parties and Guests.

Finally, in accordance with the recommendations made by the club's officers at an ad-hoc meeting regarding the caretaker's benefits, a Personnel Committee was created to handle the details of the caretaker's employment. The new committee is added to the list of committees in Bylaw No. 4 along with this description of its composition and duties:

"The Personnel Committee will establish the employment policy for the caretaker with regard to job description, salary and benefits and conduct an annual employee review with the caretaker.
The members of the Personnel Committee shall be the President, Vice President, Captain, Deputy Captain, Treasurer, Supervisor of Law and Supervisor of Finance."

The description of its duties in the Standing Rules reads as follows:

4C. Personnel Committee
a. Review the terms of the annual caretaker employment contract;
b. Conduct an annual employee review with the caretaker prior to the December meeting;
c. Submit a recommendation at the December meeting concerning conditions of the caretaker's employment in the coming year;
d. Compare and review health insurance providers' offerings each year to determine the club's level of health insurance coverage for the caretaker.

The meeting adjourned at 10:06 pm.

-- Renee Dunham, Acting Recording Secretary