Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

May 13, 1998

Tryon Wells, John Thomson, Peggy Thomson, David Winer, Bill Eichbaum, Jinny Jones, Johnna Robinson, Susan Garbini, John Krasny, John Stapko, Betty Burchell, Peter Winkler, Mark Schlefer, David Holdridge, Luther Carter, Doc Taliaferro, Phyllis Taliaferro, Ann Taliaferro, Holly Syrrakos.

President Tryon Wells called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.

The membership approved the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Blair Bower wrote to say that there is no point in trying to stop erosion at the upper end of the Island as it is a natural process. Bill Kugler is looking for John and Miriam Schubert-if anyone has a current address or phone, please let him know. George Loeb phoned in his offer to be the Entertainment committee on the day of the Whitewater Race.

The Islander
John Thomson had one Islander returned because of too little postage; did others arrive postage due? Thomson needs stuffers and mailers for future issues.

Canoe Chair's Report
David Winer reported that the owner claimed the green Coleman canoe and there is a possible claimant for the 17 foot Grumman.

House Committee's Report
Susan Garbini said it cost $922 to paint the main room and the kitchen in the clubhouse. Paul Stanton was a volunteer extraordinare. There was paint leftover and it may be used to paint the women's locker room at the Fall Workfest. Stanton will deliver an estimate on repairs to window screens and frames.

Captain's Report
In John Matthews absence, Doc Taliaferro reported that John wasn't at the meeting because he was receiving an award from the County Executive for being an outstanding builder. There was a round of applause. Doc also noted the Island had been closed most of the year because of high water.

Party Committee
Bill Eichbaum reported that Abigail Wiebenson would like to host a party of 50. It was approved, pending the paperwork.

Old Business
Large Party Rule Change
Under Large Parties, the following additions to the Standing Rules were approved after discussion:

-- No more than one Large Party may be held on the island per day.

-- No member may schedule more than one Large Party at a time. If a member wishes to schedule more than one Large Party, the second party must be scheduled after the first party has been held.

Guest Card Rule Change
To be voted on at the June meeting The Rule now reads as follows:
6. Guest Cards
Upon the request of an applicant for membership who has deposited his or her application fee, the Membership Secretary may issue to such applicant a guest card valid for the year in which issued. Holders of such cards and members of their immediate families shall be entitled to the use of all facilities of the Island, subject to the By-Laws and Standing Rules, between November and April, inclusive, and from Monday to Friday inclusive during the remainder of the year, except for national holidays, and may pay an additional fee for the use of a canoe rack, if available. The Financial Secretary shall collect from each guest card applicant, prior to issuance of the card, a fee equal to one-half the regular annual dues prorated to the nearest whole month the guest card is in effect. The proposed change is to replace the last sentence (italicized) with the following:
The Financial Secretary shall collect from each guest card applicant, prior to issuance of the card, a fee equal to one-half the regular annual dues. For new members, the fee is prorated to the nearest whole month of admission to membership. [To take effect Jan. 1999.]

New Business
John Stapko noted that if a large tree falls on the Island, he would like to Initiate a canoe-making project.

Dogs on the Island
Luther Carter proposed that dogs be allowed on the Island under the se conditions: on a leash, weekdays only (M-F), and that owners be responsible for clean-up. He asked that: 1) his proposal be published, 2) that a questionnaire about the issue appear in the Islander with subsequent results published, and 3) a vote on the proposal be taken at a meeting.

Presentation on Scenic Easement from Potomac Conservancy
Mac Thornton (waiting list member) and Russ Norfleet, both of the Potomac Conservancy said that the Island's granting of a scenic easement would strengthen the effort to preserve the Gorge. They pointed out that the Gorge has a history of substandard easements and that these only give the impression of accomplishment, and are not representative of a real commitment. The Conservancy cannot accept the easement previously voted upon by the Island membership because, they said, it did not include the language necessary for an organization to accept an easement. It was suggested that the Potomac Conservancy take the Island's version of the easement and mark-up changes and submit it for consideration. There was discussion about the easement in general and alternatives to an easement, such as legislation protecting the Gorge. There was no decision about how to proceed.

Thanks to the Winers
The Winer's last minute hospitality was appreciated. The meeting adjourned at 10:23 p.m.

Next Meeting
The June meeting will be on the 10th at the Island, weather permitting.

Holly Syrrakos, Recording Secretary