Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
November 12, 1997
Bill Eichbaum, John Thomson, Peggy Thomson, David Winer, Gerry Barton, Phil Jones, Peter Winkler, Brad Coolidge, Susan Garbini, John Krasny, John Matthews, Dave Holdridge, Tryon Wells, Paul Rosa, Doc Taliaferro, Holly Syrrakos
President Bill Eichbaum called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m.
Gerry Barton circulated graphs downloaded from the website that show varying river levels.
Recording Secretary's Report
Holly Syrrakos will get copies of the proposed revised By-laws and Standing Rules to Bill Eichbaum so that he can pass them on to the next President.
President's Report
Bill Eichbaum will prepare the phone tree before his term ends.
Islander Report
Editor John Thomson requests that when folks move, they send address changes to the Islander so that they will continue to receive the Islander and the list will be current.
Captain's Report
John Matthews pointed out that there Is now a light focused on the landing on the Maryland side. Recent high water tested the canoe tether system and proved It efficient. The captain and others will consider the purchase of a new ping-pong table.
Canoe Supervisor's Report
David Winer reported that boats all have little decals with their rack number on them. The racks are also marked. Abandoned boats will be disposed of In a way so that there is notice in the Islander. Some will become Club canoes.
Painting & Carpentry Report
Dave Holdridge noted that the clubhouse needs some exterior painting.
House Committee
Susan Garbini counted on a good crew for the workfest.
Entertainment Committee
George and Marcia Loeb phoned in to say they were ready for the workfest.
Caretaker's Report
Doc Taliaferro suggested a change in the hours of the substitute caretaker. This was moved to New Business.
Special Report
Paul Rosa came to tell the club about a proposed cell phone antenna that would be on the Virginia side of the river and would be 170 feet tall, 90 feet above the tree canopy and would be visible from the Island. If it goes to only 130 feet and they use a camouflaged antenna, it would not be visible. He suggested writing a letter to Patricia Elwood of the National Capital Planning Commission, expressing the Island's preference. He had drafted a letter for the president's signature and members suggested sending it to Rep. Morella and the Maryland Senators as well. He also suggested that we request that the air rights be transferred to the Park Service. The meeting was concerned about the situation and agreed to send the letter.
Old Business
Nominating Committee
For approval at the next meeting, the committee recommended the following for 1998:
President - Tryon Wells
Vice President - Barbara Kraft
Recording Sect'y - Holly Syrrakos
Treasurer - Johnna Robinson
Financial Sect'y - Jinny Jones
Membership Sect'y - Peter Winkler
Editor - John Thomson
Archivist - Jessie Bakeman
Captain - John Matthews
Deputy Captain - John Stapko
Canoeing - David Winer
Swimming - Al Brown
Grounds - Coy Lay
Painting/Carpentry - Dave Holdridge
Camping/Parties - Bill Eichbaum
Chairs of Standing Committees
Finance - Phil Jones
Law - Chris Klieforth
House - Susan Garbini
Entertainment - George & Marcia Loeb
Fall Workfest
The floats will be brought in early and the other work is outlined in the Islander.
New Business
Large Parties
These are proposed changes in the large party procedure and will be voted on at
the Dec. meeting. The primary suggestion is that no rain dates be scheduled. If your party gets rained-out, it Is up to you to re-schedule. The change in procedure is also designed to get folks to sign the liability waivers. See the attached documents for details.
There was a sense of the meeting that rules regarding the number of guests and drinking were being ignored or side-stepped. The meeting wants to convey the belief that members should know the rules and follow them.
Web Site
Tryon Wells wants the Island to have its own domain name for its site. This will cost about $170 per year. The meeting told him to talk to Johnna Robinson about putting the expense into the 1998 budget.
John Wiebenson in Washington Post
Brad Coolidge noted the Oct. 5 article in the Washington Post Magazine that has a section on our very own architect, John Wiebenson, and his beautiful and socially-conscious work.
Next Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Sycamore Island Club will be held Wed., Dec. 10 at
John and Peggy Thomson's home at 23 Grafton St., Chevy Chase.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Holly Syrrakos, Recording Secretary