Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
May 14, 1997
Bill Eichbaum, John Thomson, Peggy Thomson, David Winer, Doc Taliaferro, Peter Winkler, Gerry Barton, Susan Garbini, John Krasny, Al Brown, Blair Bower, Kate Herrod, John Matthews, Holly Syrrakos
President Bill Eichbaum called the meeting to order at 8:11 p.m.
Islander Report
Editor John Thomson thanks those who have come forward to volunteer to stuff and mail the Islander and reminds members that this is a good way to volunteer some time to the Club. John also stated that Sun., June 1 is the day that Sycamore hosts the finish of the Whitewater Race and that the Entertainment Committee should be prepared. Sunday is usually Doc's day off but he will be at the island on June 1 along with volunteer caretakers.
Captain's Report
Bill Eichbaum reported for John Matthews that the canoe Shed is finished but still needs to be anchored. On behalf of the Club, the meeting stated its appreciation to John for a job well done. In assessing the workfest, everyone felt it was successful. There were 51 participants, not including children and the Scouts. Peggy Thomson appreciates the mention of everybody in the Islander articles. Sue Super sent pictures which are now on display in the clubhouse. Blair Bower could not be there on the workfest day but reminds members that they can do as he did and come at another time to make a work contribution. Doc also pointed out that the ferry cable and rope have been rigged to be raised in the event of a flood.
Canoe Supervisor's Report
David Winer will make every effort to have canoe racks assigned by mid-June. He is also working on a tagging system for the boats. David will also make a recommendation about adding some better paddles to the Island's collection.
House Committee Report
Susan Garbini reported there is a new refrigerator in the clubhouse, bought for under $500. John Matthews and his crew helped get it in place. She also thanked the folks who worked inside during the workfest, noting they did a wonderful job. The organization Remar-which hauled away all the junk, received Doc's good recommendation.
Party Committee Report
The Montgomery County Historical Society wants to have a party on Aug. 18 and is looking for a member-sponsor. There was continued discussion about liability for children who are guests of members. If you have a party with children as your guests, please have their parents sign the waiver form on their behalf. Bill Eichbaum will continue to work on a system for the waivers.
Old Business
Membership Susan Garbini suggests a study of whether membership could be increased because she believes the waiting time (currently 6 years) to get into the Club is too long. Blair Bower thought we should look at participation levels, as we had planned, before doing any further study. Peter Winkler pointed out that the Club has admitted a relatively high number of new members this year. There was also some general discussion of how much use the Island really gets, and when.
New Business
Standing Rules & Bylaws
The rules and bylaws do not reflect current practice because they have
not been updated in a number of years. Holly Syrrakos will begin the process of reviewing the rulesand bylaws in consultation with Bill Eichbaum.
Picnic Tables
Doc reports that Tryon Wells suggested the Club add to its collection of picnic tables. The meeting thought that Tryon should come up with a price estimate for 4 tables and a strategy for getting them to the Island and assembled. There were 7 volunteers at the meeting who were willing to help build them. Johnna Robinson must approve the expense and the meeting agreed to buy the tables when there Is a plan. Susan Garbini will look into the cost of tables for the deck.
Next Meeting
The June meeting will be held on the 1 lth at 8 p.m. at the Island (river permitting).
The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Holly Syrrakos, Recording Secretary