Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
April 9, 1997
Bill Eichbaum, John Thomson, Peggy Thomson, David Winer, Tryon Wells, Doc Taliaferro, Phyllis Taliaferro, Brad Coolidge, Peter Winkler, Gerry Barton, Susan Garbini, Johnna Robinson, Phil Jones, Bill Kugler, Warren Brown, John Matthews, Billy Bays, George Loeb, Marcia Loeb, Holly Syrrakos
President Bill Eichbaum called the meeting to order at 8:08 p.m.
Islander Report
Editor John Thomson invites articles from members about the Potomac River and their canoeing experiences. John is looking for volunteers to stuff and mail the Islander sometime around the beginning of the month. There are about 350-400 on the mailing list. Consider this as a way to volunteer some time to the Club.
Captain's Report
John Matthews reported that the canoe shed is taking form. Racks will be installed next and the roof will go on last. There is a small problem to be resolved in the roof design. John would like to get another canoe carrier and will consult with David Winer about it.
Canoe Supervisor's Report
David Winer has paste-on stickers for the new racks and is devising a tag system for the canoes. John Thomson will get a Sycamore logo to David for the tag design. The Potomac Downriver Race is scheduled for June I and Sycamore hosts the Finish line and party.
Entertainment Committee Report
George and Marcia Loeb reported on plans for the workfest. They also reminded everyone that the Welcome New Members Party is on May 18th at 2 pm. Everyone is invited and Bill Eichbaum will call the new members to invite them.
Caretaker's Report
Doc Taliaferro suggested changing the shifts of the substitute caretakers so that the shifts end at dark rather than at a specific time. In general, members felt this was impractical. Members do need to remember that Sunday is the caretaker's day off and that members themselves are responsible for the operation of the club. If you leave the Island when the caretaker is absent, canoes belong on the Island and the ferry gets locked up on the Maryland shore.
Old Business
Johnna pointed out that the $500 expense of a refrigerator had not been budgeted. There was discussion about the process of spending money. Bill suggested reconsideration of the expense. The meeting voted again to spend the money for a new fridge which Susan Garbini (House Cmte. chair), Johnna and Doc will get.
Spring Workfest
The list of tasks in the Islander generated volunteers. Jerome Cramer will bring a Boy Scout troop to help. Doc has talked to an organization that hauls trash, particularly metal. They will come the Monday after the workfest to take the junk so that it does not have to be buried on the Island.
New Business
Large Parties
There were several requests by non-members to hold large parties. If a member will sponsor the party, then it's OK The Montgomery County Historical Society wants to have a party on Aug. 18 and needs a member-sponsor. Abigail Wiebenson asked for an exception to the rule so that she can host a party of about 70 people. The meeting gave her permission to go ahead.
Members should be sure to use the waiver forms, especially when having a large party. They are to be turned in to the caretaker.
Park Service meeting In Glen Echo
John Thomson said that Doug Farris of NPS reported that the canal has been re-watered from Great Falls to Violette's Lock and Lock 5 to Georgetown. They will re-water the Sycamore section next spring (1998).
To Increase Participation
A short discussion based on the Loeb's piece in the March Islander drew several comments. Blair Bower said he would look at past years' involvement as recorded in the Islander. Peggy Thomson suggest having standing lists of tasks that members can just come and do. Warren Brown thought that a survey about what members are interested in working on would be helpful. All of those suggestions received positive feedback.
Next Meeting
The May meeting will be held on the 14th at 8 p.m. at the Island (river level permitting).
The meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m.
Holly Syrrakos, Recording Secretary