Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
February 12, 1997
Phil Jones, Jinny Jones, Peggy Thomson, John Thomson, David Winer, Tryon Wells, Doc Taliaferro, John Matthews, Johnna Robinson, Brad Coolidge, George Loeb, Marcia Loeb, Peter Winkler, Gerry Barton, John Stapko, Billy Bays, Bill Eichbaum, David Holdridge, Katie Holdridge, John Wiebenson, Abigail Wiebenson, Holly Syrrakos
President Bill Eichbaum called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.
Islander Report
Editor John Thomson is looking for volunteers to stuff and mail the Islander sometime around the beginning of the month. There are about 350-400 on the mailing list. He also noted that a 32V stamp allows an 8 page Islander. John also wants to remind all club members to record their Island observations in the Journal in the clubhouse.
Captain's Report
John Matthews discussed the incessant beaver damage. Doc added that he wrapped about 15 trees with chicken wire to keep the beavers away. He said that upriver is the area most affected and that when the ice breaks up, the beavers are less active. Marcia Loeb raised the possibility of using some kind of repellent. The ultrasonic device does not work in freezing temperatures, when the beavers do.
Carpenter's Report
David Holdridge has replaced flooring in the caretaker's apartment and tile will be laid when the weather warms up. Replacement of the decks on the floats is in progress.
Entertainment Committee Report
George and Marcia Loeb are planning to grill chicken for the Spring Workfest on Sunday, April 13th, with a raindate of the 20th. Special Workfest Notice: Committee supervisors should develop lists of projects for the workfest to be delivered to Doc or to the March meeting. John Matthews and Doc will keep the master list of work to be done.
Weekend Caretakers
As of April 20th there will be two shifts of weekend caretakers on Sunday. This continues until late October.
Old Business
The Canoe Shed committee (Bill Eichbaum, David Winer, John Matthews, and John Stapko) met with architect John Wiebenson and delivered final plans to rebuild the canoe shed. It will be six individual units housing 12 boats each. Each unit will have four posts sunk in concrete and will be built in the same configuration as the previous shed. There is a roof design that will protect the boats and slough off snow and leaves. The shed will be positioned about 40 feet upriver from where it was. The idea is that in a flood, the smaller units will have less pressure to bear and will be located more in the eddy of the house.
To do the building, the towpath has to be restored so that materials can be brought in. Doc reported that the Park Service is planning to do the work in March or April. John Matthews is heading up the building of the shed and will begin building three units as soon as possible by carrying materials in to the Island.
Peter Winkler made a motion of appreciation to the committee, the captain and the architect. It was seconded by those present.
New Business
Johnna announced that the Old-Timers' Party is scheduled for Wed., June 4th. It is an event primarily for those who have been members for more than 20 years but, of course, everyone is invited. It is a potluck so bring something to share.
The meeting agreed to refund Charlie O'Brien's membership dues for the year to his estate.
A number of people had ideas about how to welcome new members to the club this year. There was a suggestion of a party, not a work party, with new members and their sponsors, committee chairs and others. Perhaps a Saturday afternoon with cake and tea and most likely after the Spring Workfest, maybe following the Wildflower Walk (usually in late April or early May). David Holdridge suggested inviting new members to the next meeting and Bill Eichbaum said he would call them. The Regatta is also planned for the late spring.
Tryon reported that repairs to the pool table cost about $600. The slate and pockets have been fixed and there is a new set of balls and a cover. Please cover the table when you are finished using it. Also, do not move the table-moving damages the slate.
Tryon is looking for feedback on the website for the Island. Peggy wants to see some of the site in hard copy. http://www.mindspring.com/~tryon/sycamore.htm
Next Meeting
The March meeting will be held on the 12th at 8 p.m. at the home of Susanna and Jon Membrino at 5305 Tuscarawas Rd., Bethesda.
After thanking the Holdridge family for their hospitality, the meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.
Holly Syrrakos, Recording Secretary