Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

September 13, 1995

The meeting convened at approximately 8PM with the following members signing in: Warren Brown, Ann Boneau, Alan Boneau, John Stapko, Jay Ingersoll, Fern Ingersoll, Jane Winer, Phil Jones, Johanna Robinson, and John Matthews.

Johnna reported that our financial situation looks good, with expenses in line with the budget projections through the end of the year.

Johnna also reported that the club has an opportunity to get fire insurance coverage for the clubhouse at a reasonable rate. This was previously considered not to be possible due to the long distance from the firehouse and hydrants. John Matthews was asked to provide a guess on the replacement cost for the clubhouse, and a brief discussion of fire suppression measures began. Anyone with expertise and suggestions about sprinkler systems, pumps, or other fire prevention and suppression measures is invited to discuss them with John Matthews. Any experts among the membership on insurance coverages, loopholes, etc. were invited to consult with Johnna Robinson and this matter will be discussed with a possible vote at the next meeting.

Phil Jones reported that Jinny Jones had bravely "volunteered" to take over from Mable Wallich as financial secretary on an interim basis for the rest of the year, with the possibility of extending into next year if the nominating committee so proposes. Many thanks were extended to Jinny for agreeing to fill in this critical job. We regret that Mable's other commitments have made it impossible for her to continue.

Jane Winer reported that a rack for the club canoes was installed by David Winer, with help from Gerry Barton and Wayne Limberg. Thanks from all were extended to David for taking this initiative and for the others who helped make this valuable improvement for the club.

Warren reported that warning signs about canoe and swimming safety had been ordered and would be delivered shortly. Thanks to David Winer again for taking the lead on the design and text for the signs after extensive lawyering and consultation with interested members.

Warren reported that he has given up on getting any action from the Park Service and so he has been working with representatives of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club on a cooperative venture to improve the trail to the Canal from MacArthur Blvd. PATC has tentatively scheduled October 21 and 28 as the dates they will be seeking experienced trail maintenance volunteers from their membership to work on this project. Sycamore Island Club's role would be to invite the volunteers to the Island for rest and relaxation after their work.

There was a brief discussion of a fall festive event similar to last year's October party. Entertainment committee chairs Jane and Paul Enalestad have been asked to repeat their excellent work again this year. The idea of an early Fall pancake fest seemed popular, and anyone with ideas and energy to contribute should contact Jane or Paul.

All this business was concluded by about 8:45 so that we could proceed to the main event: a report by Peter Jones on his trip to Ireland. As advertised, Peter provided a beautiful rendition of the song he wrote about Kilkelly based on letters from his grandfather. This was followed by a report on his trip at the invitation of the people of Kilkelly to participate in the local arts and heritage festival. Complete with slides and music, the report provided a glimpse of life in a small Irish town, the feelings of those who came to America, and the special opportunity to honor ancestral homelands with a very moving musical tribute. Peter's presentation was excellent, in spite of competition from National Airport, and he might be persuaded to repeat it for a larger audience in a quieter arena.

-- Warren Brown, Acting Recording Secretary