Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

September 14, 1994

The meeting was called to order by President Warren Brown at 8:00. Gerry Barton agreed to serve as Acting Secretary.

The following persons were present: Warren Brown, Gerry Barton, Peter Jones, Art Gutnick, Holly Syrrakos, Mable Wallich, Blair Bower, Peggy Thomson, Johnna Robinson, David Winer, John Stapko, John Thomson, John Matthews, Mark Schlefer and Philip Jones.

John Thomson reported that there are 60 Sycamore T-shirts now available on the Island -- Extra large, Large and Medium. They cost $15.00 and checks should be made to Sycamore Island and sent to Financial Secretary Mabel Wallich.

Warren Brown reported that we will focus on the Easement issue at the October meeting and on the Large Parties issue at the November meeting.

Treasurer Johnna Robinson that little has been paid out for the clubhouse improvements but that she expects the bills in September and October.

Captain John Matthews reported on the progress in the renovations and estimates that the costs will be near $10,000 -- as projected.

Mark Schlefer reported on the Scenic Easement issue and there was considerable discussion with some members questioning whether any easement grants should be made. A list of the proposed Scenic Easement grants and reservations will be published in the October ISLANDER. Further, should the club go forward toward granting Scenic Easements the issue will be made a mailed referendum to all Islanders for their recorded views.

Safety Committee:
John Stapko reported on the possible need for more safety signs near the swimming float and asked Mark Schlefer to check into the appropriate indemnification statement to be signed by members bringing guests to the Island.

Canoeing Supervisor David Winer reported the purchase of three used Old Town Discovery 17-foot canoes with 6 paddles for $1,200. David also reported a planned Bird Paddle scheduled for October 1 at 7:00, meeting at the Island; Islanders were invited to join in.

It was moved and passed that the Entertainment Committee should come up with some kind of social event on the Island to bring Islanders together to meet one another. (Note: we used to have oyster roasts and, in the distant past square dances to bring members together.)

Saturday Caretaker:
There has been some concern that some Island visitors, members and/or guests, become disturbingly noisy and boisterous. It was suggested that the Acting Caretaker should intervene.

Fall Workfest:
It was decided that the Fall Workfest should be scheduled for Sunday, November 13, with Sunday, November 20 as the rain date. Also, that there should be a pot-luck luncheon on Workfest day.

The meeting adjourned about 9:30.

--Gerry Barton, Acting Secretary