Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
June 8, 1994
The meeting came to order a bit after 8:00 pm with the following members present: Philip Jones, Gerry Barton, David Winer, George Malusky III, John Matthews, Brad Coolidge, Cynthia and Clarence Payne, John Thomson, Jay and Fern Ingersoll, Richard Young, Johnna Robinson, Holly Syrrakos and Peter Jones.
In the absence of President Warren Brown, Johnna Robinson served as Chairperson and, in the continued vacancy for Secretary, Gerry Barton served as Recording Secretary.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved as printed in the ISLANDER.
Warren Brown wrote the Safety Committee urging that it meet to discuss Island safety concerns -- and report at the July meeting. Applicants Witt and Ann Farquar, whose Islander had been going astray due to address error, wrote offering their services where needed.
Treasurer's Report:
Things are going along as usual, no particular problems to note -- though membership dues are not all in yet. Question: Would we get a tax benefit if we granted a scenic easement?
Financial Secretary's Report:
Funds deposited as of June 3 --$39,608. Expected total for the year -- about $46,500.
We have 200 dues-paying members. 170 are paid up, 29 have been sent reminder letters.
Membership Secretary's Report:
In the absence of Kathleen Peters, Phil Jones reported that there have been 5 resignations or moves to Senior or Inactive status. This opens slots for Regular Membership. Kathleen has been able to reach the three at the top of the list and the following were voted into Regular Membership. Marienne Freeman & Harold Talisman, Joseph & Tamara Belden, and Paul and Patricia Wohlford.
On motion, Jack Sanders was declared an Inactive Member, opening a further place for a regular member. (Communications with Jack indicate he had asked this Inactive status some time ago.)
House Committee:
Bill Eichbaum presented a current listing of locker assignments to be printed in the July ISLANDER and checked at the July meeting for current accuracy.
Captain's Report:
Progress continues on the approved improvements of the club house with further study and concern over appropriate means of insulating and heating the planned new bathrooms. The particular concern is because we have no fire insurance because of our location. On motion it was approved that we raise our flood insurance from $76,000 to 84,000.
General Discussion:
The question of the desirability and frequency of Large Parties was discussed, but no decisions reached. On the issue of Scenic Easements again there was extended discussion with plans to bring more focus to the issue. A number of members, approving the goals of the Potomac Conservancy, questioned whether the granting of scenic easements was the correct approach.
Caretaker Peter Jones is going on vacation June 25 to July 11 and the Club needs a subsitute Caretaker. Captain John Matthews grandson has been secured for the assignment.
John Thomson sought authorization to order 60 Sycamore T-shirts at $15 apiece -- approved. And sought help on getting Sycamore patches and decals produced. He also called members attention to the KNOW YOUR RIVER trip and reported on the success of the 39th Potomac River White Water race [see attached reports].
-- Gerald Barton, Acting Secretary