Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

December 8, 1993

The 1993 Annual Meeting of the Montgomery Sycamore Island Club was called to order at the home of Peggy and John Thomson by President Tryon Wells at 8:05pm. Present were: John Matthews, John Krasny, Nell Hennessy, Bill Bays, Marion Schlefer, Gerry Barton, Mark Schlefer, Tryon Wells, Warren Brown, Jane Winer, Johnna Robinson, Bill Kugler, Brad Coolidge, Leah Hertz, Lyle Blanchard, Phil Jones, Edith Corliss, Ken Sales, David Winer, John Stapko, John Thomson, Frank Daspit, Peggy Thomson, Dayid Lyles, Peter Jones, Holly Syrrakos.

The minutes of the November meeting were approved as printed in the December edition of the Islander.

In the continuing effort to improve the trail down to the Island, Tryon noted that there is a possibility that the Park Service may be willing to provide materials if the Club can provide the labor to repair the path.

Captain John Matthews reported on the installment of a new rig to raise the ferry cable in high water. The new system worked very well in the last highwater immediately after Thanksgiving.

President Tryon Wells presented a slate of officers from the Nominating Committee for the members' consideration. 0nly one position -- that of Recording Secretary -- remains unfilled for the coming year. Tryon will be looking for a member to fill that position, volunteers are welcome. The slate of officers for the coming year was approved unanimously.

Treasurer Johnna Robinson presented the 1994 budget for members' consideration. As presented, the budget included $30,000 for major capital improvements to the Caretaker's apartment and Clubhouse. Dues would be increased by $48.00 per year for Regular members, and to help cover the cost of the capital improvements there would be a one-time assessment of $80.00 for all members in 1994.

The 1994 Budget generated considerable discussion among members. There was a general agreement that the Club's financial reserves had been depleted by the last two capital improvements (the addition to the Caretaker's apartment and the new deck) and needed to be replenished.

Except for the $30,000 budgeted for capital improvements, the expense portion of the budget was approved as submitted with the addition of $1,000.00 for a contingency reserve.

Captain John Matthews outlined the following projects and associated estimated costs in the capital improvements:

Improvements to the caretakers apartment (Kitchen and bathroom)
Second floor library with heating unit
2 bathrooms upstairs
Downstairs locker room (remove existing lockers and wall)
New wooden lockers in downstairs locker room

There was considerable discussion over the possible pace and cost of the proposed capital improvements. Members agreed that until the Club decided on the extent of the capital improvement projects for the Club, it was not possible to set the dues level for 1994.

A motion was made to raise the dues by $48.00 per year to $240.00 for Regular members. This motion was tabled and set aside for discussion at the January meeting. At that meeting, the members will adopt the dues level for 1994 after receiving further information from the Treasurer on exactly how much could be spent for capital improvements under alternative dues levels, and from the Captain on what level of capital improvements could be accommodated under these different spending levels.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm for delicious refreshments provided by our hosts.

-- David S. Lyles, Recording Secretary