Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

March 10, 1993

The March meeting of the Club was called to order by Recording Secretary David Lyles at the home of Marian and Mark Schlefer at 6:05 pm. Present were: Mark Schlefer, Marian Schlefer, Pat Barnett, David Lyles, John Thomson, Jack Colwell, Peter Jones, Al Brown, Mable Wallich, Brad Coolidge, John Matthews, Leah Hertz, Holly Syrrakos.

The minutes of the February meeting were approved as printed in the March edition of the ISLANDER.

Three communications to the Club were discussed. The Nantahala Outdoor Center in Bryson City, N.C., offered members of the Club a 10% discount in their store in return for the Club's mailing list. Members endorsed giving the Center our mailing list in return for this benefit.

John Thomson reported on two communications concerning books of interest to Club Members. Retired C & O Park Superintendent Dick Stanton's book "Potomac Journey: Fairfax Stone to Tidewater" will be published shortly, and Dick has offered to come to the June meeting of the Club for a book signing. John Thomson also reported on the publication of a book by long-time members Margaret and Joe Fisher called "Living Religjon."

Betty Burchell sent word through Al Brown of the community support for the purchase of land on MacArthur Blvd. south of the Sycamore Store for a park. Al and Betty were requested to write a letter for the Club President's signature to the Montgomery County Council in support of the purchase of this land.

Treasurer Ken Sale sent a report showing a balance in the Club's cash management account at the end of the reporting period of $30,904.00.

Financial Secretary Mable Wallich reported collections of $2,630.00 in the past month. There are still a large number of members who have not paid their 1993 dues yet.

Captain John Matthews and Caretaker Peter Jones reported on the recent high water episode on the Island. The river rose steadily beginning Thursday, March 4 until the crest of 13 feet on mid-Saturday. Peter was out of town, but returned Friday evening and stayed on the Island through the crest. President Tryon Wells went down to the Island on Friday afternoon and pulled out the first two racks of canoes and tied them on the lawn. Tryon also raised the ferry cable as high as possible, and cut the pull-rope. The ferry was secured on the Island. Deputy Captain John Stapko also came down to check on the Island on Friday afternoon.

The Island suffered little damage from the highest water level since the disastrous flood of November, 1985. A tree came down just upriver of the ferry landing, and as the flood waters receded the ferry itself became lodged in the tree. Peter and David Lyles dislodged it on Sunday afternoon. A large log got caught on the ferry cable at high water, and got stuck on the bottom of the river, sticking straight up out of the water. There was considerable erosion and buildup of silt on different parts of the Island. The volleyball court lost soil, while the lawn downriver of the Clubhouse had a considerable buildup. The only item lost in the flood was the top of the chlorinator, which is easily replaced.

Members of the Club expressed their appreciation to Tryon Wells, Peter Jones and John Stapko for their efforts to prepare the club for the high water. Members also took time to remember former Caretaker Ken Fassler's legacy to the Club. The walkway from the ferry landing came though another high water completely unscathed, and remains as sturdy and attractive as the day Ken completed work on it.

Members decided to come down to the Island on Sunday afternoon, March 14, for a work session to clean up debris from the flood.

John Thomson indicated that he will order more Club decals and patches for sale to the Members.

David Lyles thanked the Schlefers for hosting the meeting, and reminded members that the April meeting will be on the Island. The meeting adjourned at 8:54 pm for delicious refreshments provided by our hosts.

-- David Lyles, Recording Secretary