Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

January 13, 1993

The January meeting of the Club was called to order, at the home of Marty Burgess and Al Brown by President Tryon Wells at 5:07 pm. Present were: John Thomson, Ken Sale, Peter Jones, Brad Coolidge, Cynthia Barnes, David Winer, Jane Winer, David Lyles, Al Brown, Kathleen Peters, Marty Burgess, Tryon Wells, Mable Wallich, John Stapko, Jack Colwell, Holly Syrrakos.

The minutes of the December meeting were approved as printed in the January issue of the Islander with the addition of Ken Sale to the list of those present at the meeting.

Treasurer Ken Sale reported a cash balance at the end of the reporting month of $8,796.00 in the Club's cash management account.

Financial Secretary Mable Wallich reported deposits to the Club's account of $10,925.00 during the past month, reflecting the influx of 1993 dues payments.

Membership Secretary Kathleen Peters reported no changes in membership during the past month. The Waiting List stands at 111.

Caretaker Peter Jones reported that the water has been relatively high for this time of year. Otherwise, this is a very slow time on the Island.

Old Business
President Tryon Wells brought up a series of issues left over from previous meetings. On the issue of director's insurance for the Club's officers, Kathleen Peters reported on one quote of $1,200 per year for $300,000 in insurance, and $2,500 per year for $1 million in insurance. Members thought the cost was excess, and we will continue to look into this issue.

Members discussed whether the Club should try to hire a weekend caretaker to cover the Island on the regular caretaker's day off, or whether the membership should continue to cover the Island for that one day per week. Members concluded that the Saturday caretaking should remain the responsibility of the membership. Editor John Thomson will try to publish the weekend caretaker assignments for the upcoming month in the Islander to remind members of their assignment.

Finally, the members discussed whether the Club canoes should be locked on the Island when they are not in use. The consensus was that they should remain unlocked, but that a more prominent sign with safety directions should be installed near the Club canoes.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 for delicious refreshments provided by our hosts.

-- David Lyles, Recording Secretary