Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

December 9, 1992

The Annual Meeting of the Club was called to order at the home of Peggy and John Thomson by President Tryon Wells at 8:15 pm. Present were: John Thomson, Peggy Thomson, Phil Jones, Brad Coolidge, Cynthia Barnes, David Winer, Bill Bays, Mark Schlefer, Art Gutnick, John Matthews, David Lyles, John Lentz, Kathleen Peters, Pat Barnett, Tryon Wells, Mabel Wallich, Leah Hertz, Joan Kennedy, Ellen Kennedy, Marilyn Fuchs, Peter Jones, Holly Syrrakos.

The minutes of the November meeting were approved as printed in the December issue of the Islander.

Treasurer Ken Sale presented the 1993 budget for the Club. The budget calls for a freeze on dues in 1993 at the current, 1992 level. After voting to give the Caretaker a $500 bonus in appreciation for his work on behalf of the Club during the past year, the budget was approved by the members as presented.

Tryon Wells presented the slate of officers nominated to serve during the coming year. Tryon noted that two positions - Vice President and Treasurer - remain unfilled. Members were encouraged to volunteer to serve in these two important positions. The slate of nominees was unanimously approved as proposed.

Following the election of officers there was a long and very fluid discussion of the Club's liability and overall safety on the Island. Tryon Wells indicated that he would bring up several matters in this area for the members to consider at the January meeting.

Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs made the final report of her distinguished career in that position, noting that a total of $346 has been deposited in the Club's account during the past month.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett brought her illustrious career in that position to a end by reporting that two inactive members have been returned to active status and one Regular member has resigned, bringing total Regular membership to 157. The Waiting List now stands at 107 compared to 97 at this time last year and 80 at the end of 1990. During 1992, the Club took in 12 new members compared to 14 in 1991.

Canoeing Supervisor John Lentz reported on the two unclaimed boats on the island - an 18 foot 0ld Town wood and canvas canoe on rack 55, and a kayak on rack 46. Both boats are in poor condition. John has received offers of $100 f or the canoe and $25 f or the kayak. He intends to put an add in the next Islander offering these two boats for sale at this minimum price.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 for delicious refreshments and a showing of the video "Olympic Whitewater: Maryland's Quest for the Gold."

-- David Lyles, Recording Secretary