Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 11, 1992

The November meeting of the Club was called to order on the Island by President Tryon Wells at 8:10 pm. Present were: Tryon Wells, John Thomson, David Lyles, Leah Hertz, Phil Jones, Peter Jones, David Holdridge, Ken Sale, Pat Barnett, Al Brown, Dave Winer.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved as printed in the November issue of the Islander.

Treasurer Ken Sale's report showed a balance in the Club's cash management account at the end of October of $13,656.00. There was a brief discussion of whether it will be necessary to recommend a dues increase for 1993 in anticipation of the discussion of next year's budget at the Annual Meeting of the Club in December.

Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs submitted her annual report showing total revenues collected during the past year of $38,914.50. All members have paid their dues in full.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported no vacancies in membership during the past month. The Waiting List stands at 105.

House Committee Chairperson Leah Hertz reported that the numbers on some lockers were repainted during the workfest over the past weekend. A plan is being developed to remodel and upgrade the locker rooms.

Caretaker Peter Jones reported that he had been contacted by a group from the Maret School who expressed interest in doing volunteer work to restore the path down to the canal from the Parkway. Although the project will have to worked out with the Park Service, it was agreed that the Club should encourage the group in their efforts and give them any support they need.

Tryon Wells reported that a great deal of work was accomplished during the Fall workfest.

Traditionally, the monthly meetings of the Club from December through March are held off the Island at the homes of members. The December meeting of the Club will be held at the home of Peggy and John Thomson. The January meeting will be held at the home of Al Brown. The February meeting will be held at the home of David Winer. Any member wishing to host the March meeting should contact the President.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

-- David Lyles, Recording Secretary