Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

October 14, 1992

The October meeting of the Club was called to order in the warm glow of the handsome lights on the new Clubhouse deck by Recording Secretary David Lyles at 8:05 pm. Present were: Peggy Thomson, John Thomson, David Lyles, Leah Hertz, John Lentz, Peter Jones, Holly Syrakkos.

The minutes of the September meeting were approved as printed in the October issue of the Islander.

John Thomson reported that he had spoken with Torn Hobbs, the Superintendent of the C & O Canal Park, about the sorry condition of the path down the hill from the Parkway. Mr. Hobbs apparently agreed that the path was in sorry shape, but pointed out that the C & O Canal Park had dual jurisdiction over the path with the Clara Barton Parkway. Both organizations will discuss the matter among themselves. Stay tuned.

Treasurer Ken Sale's report showed a balance in the Club's cash management account at the end of September of $17,681.00.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported no vacancies in membership during the past month. Paul and Jane Engelstad have returned from Norway, and have moved from Inactive to Active status.

House Committee Chairperson Leah Hertz reported that over the winter she would be calling current locker assignees to determine whether they even realize they are locker assignees, and whether they want to continue to be locker assignees. She will also begin repainting the numbers on the lockers this coming weekend. For the interest of members, there is apparently no locker #13.

Canoeing Supervisor John Lentz reported that he panicked a few nights ago when he thought there was only I vacant canoe rack left to be assigned. His subsequent inventory yielded 2 vacant racks, as well as two racks that could become empty. One rack holds a large Old Town wooden canoe badly in need of repair which was donated to the Club.

Next month members will discuss the possibility of selling this canoe to someone who can restore it and use it. John Lentz will try to determine the market value before the next meeting. The second rack holds a 12-foot brown fiberglass kayak, owner unknown. Efforts will be made to determine the owner.

David Lyles reported that President Tryon Wells was working with the Committee Chairpersons and Supervisors on a list of projects for the Fall Workfest, which is currently scheduled for Sunday, November 8, with a rain date of November 15.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm, although the members lingered on the beautiful deck in the soft light for quiet conversation.

-- David Lyles, Recording Secretary