Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
July 8, 1992
The July meeting of the Club was called to order on the Island by President Tryon Wells at 8:08 pm. Present were John Thomson, Peggy Thomson, Art Gutnick, Al Brown, Mardy Burgess, Gerry Barton, Johnna Robinson, David Lyles, Pat Barnett, John Matthews, Ken Sale, Peter Jones, Norman Metzger, Nancy Metzger, Teddy Metzger, Holly Syrrakos, Tryon Wells.
The minutes of the June meeting were approved as printed in the July issue of the Islander.
Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs' report showed deposits of $796.00 in the Club's account during the past month.
Treasurer Ken Sale's report showed a balance in the Club's cash management account at the beginning of June of $30,5 14.77. Expenditures of $15,061.99 were made during the month of June, largely reflecting the payments for the deck and the Clubhouse painting.
Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported no changes in membership during the past month. The waiting list currently stands at 101.
Captain John Matthews reported that the ferry cable needs to be re-strung. The job was put on the list f or the July Third Saturday work session. John also reminded members that the new French doors to the Clubhouse need to be closed in a heavy rain to protect the Clubhouse floor from water. The old windows that were replaced by the French doors need to be disposed of and will be given a decent burial on the Island at the next opportunity. John also noted that the path down to the Island from the Parkway was getting worse. John Thomson said that he would remind the Park Service again of the need for repairs
Caretaker Peter Jones reported that a new ultraviolet water filter has been installed in the Clubhouse. All water in the Clubhouse is now filtered. However, members are urged to use caution in drinking the water.
in the Clubhouse until the filter has been in operation for a period of time and the water has been tested. Peter also noted that the hedge in front of the screen porch will be taken out to allow more light on the porch. Finally, Peter noted that there is an impending shortage of large lockers in the Clubhouse.
John Thomson reported on a "Know Your River Canoe Trip" sponsored by - or at least including representatives of - the Canoe Cruisers' Association, the National Park Service, the Washington Canoe Club, the C & O Canal Association and our Club. 22 canoes participated in the trip from Violette's Lock down the Potomac to the upper end of the parking lot at Great Falls. John recommended repeating this trip as an Island f unction.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm f or a slide show by David Lyles on his recent canoe trip in Maine.
-- David Lyles., Recording Secretary