Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

January 8, 1992

The January meeting of the Club was called to order at the home of Angela and Jeff Glosser at 8: 15 pm by President Tryon Wells. Present were: David Lyles, John Matthews, Charles Trammell III, Ken Sale, Holly Syrakkos, Brad Coolidge, Elizabeth Trammell, Peter Jones, John Lentz, Art Gutnick, Angela Glosser, Marilyn Fuchs, Peter Morabito, Tryon Wells, Jeff Glosser, Betty Burchell.

The minutes of the December meeting were approved as printed in the January issue of the Islander.

Members expressed deep regret at the death of Gordon Kennedy in December.

Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs reported that a total of $3,660.00 was deposited in the Club's account during the past month.

Treasurer Ken Sale reported the balance in the Club's cash management account at the end of calendar year 1991 was $18,862.00. Ken noted that this year-end balance leaves approximately $3,862.00 in carry-over funds that can be applied toward capital improvements for the Club during 1992.

Canoeing Chairman John Lentz reported that the Club had sold a canoe belonging to a deceased member of the Club after repeated attempts had been made to contact that member's family over an extended period of time without success. The deceased member's family recently contacted the Club and asked for the canoe. The members authorized the Canoeing Supervisor to provide the purchaser of the canoe with a comparable canoe from those belonging to the Club, and to return the deceased member's canoe to his family.

New Business
Members then turned to a discussion of the Change in Standing Rule 8 concerning the fee for large parties proposed by Marilyn Fuchs and printed in the December issue of the Islander. The full text of the proposed amendment is printed below.

Standing Rule 8. Guests. large parties and guest cards

[delete] A member shall pay to the Financial Secretary, within ten days after a large party and without waiting to be billed, a guest fee at the rate of 50 cents per person for guests in excess of the first 10.

[add] Upon receipt of a nonrefundable reservation fee at the rate of $1.00 per invited guest in excess of the first 10, the Supervisor of Parties will proceed with the appropriate arrangements to schedule a large party.

Marilyn Fuchs noted that under the current system, there are many large parties during the year for which members fail to submit the required fee to the Club. After a lengthy discussion, members finally concluded that a graduated fee, payable in advance, should be charged for large parties. The following change to Standing Rule 8 was adopted unanimously:

[delete as in the original proposal]

[add] Upon receipt of a nonrefundable reservation fee at the rate of $10.00 f or large parties between 10 and 25 invited guests (i.e., nonmembers) and $25.00 for large parties in excess of 25 invited guests, the Supervisor of Parties will proceed with the appropriate arrangements to schedule a large party.

New Business
Captain John Matthews had not heard from the architect for the proposed Clubhouse deck, but will pursue this issue in the coming month.

David Lyles noted that Peter Morabito has offered to take on the job of coordinating weekend caretakers for the Club during 1992.

President Tryon Wells thanked the Glossers for their hospitality. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm for delicious refreshments, followed by a fascinating and colorful slide show by Art Gutnick of his recent trip to China.

-- David Lyles, Recording Secretary