Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

December 12, 1991

The Annual Meeting of the Club was called to order at the home of Peggy and John Thomson at 8:12 pm by President Jack Sanders. Present were: Jack Sanders, Mark Schlefer, Marian Schlefer, Phil Jones, John Stapko, David Lyles, Gerry Barton, Leonard Meeker, John Thomson, Peggy Thomson, Pat Barnett, Brad Coolidge, Tryon Wells, Ken Sale, Peter Jones, Holly Syrakkos, Art Gutnick.

The minutes of the November meeting were approved as printed in the December issue of the Islander.

Treasurer Ken Sale reported that the balance in the Club's cash management account at the end of November was $21,947.46. In addition to this almost-end-of-the-calendar-year balance, the Club has a $10,000 certificate of deposit. Overall, the financial condition of the Club is healthy, with approximately $25,000 in reserve.

Ken Sale then submitted the proposed budget for the 1992 calendar year with projected revenues of $39,315 and projected expenditures of the same amount. The members voted to retain the annual dues at the same level as in 1991: $192 for Regular members, $96 for Senior members, and $48 for Inactive members. The members voted to increase the Caretaker's salary by 4.5%, and also voted to give the Caretaker a bonus in appreciation of his work for the Club over the past year.

Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs submitted a report showing that $490.50 has been deposited in the Club's account during the past month.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported two vacancies in the Club, and two new members were elected to Regular membership: Isabel Ann Kip and Jerry Troop, Matthias and Louis Meyer.

With these elections we will have taken in 13 new members this year, the same number as last year. The Waiting List now stands at 97 compared to 80 at this time last year. The members also reviewed the status of Inactive members and agreed that only those Inactive members with compelling personal reasons (i.e. physical or financial hardship) should be continued in Inactive status.

Election of Officers for 1992 Jack Sanders presented the slate of officers, supervisors and chairs of standing committees for 1992. The position of House Committee chairperson still remains vacant. No other nominations were received from the floor, and the slate was elected unanimously.

New Business
Brad Coolidge presented the Club a horseshoe lifesaving ring for Christmas to be installed on the ferry.

A new waiver of liability form for guests on the Isl and was presented by Tryon Wells. It was referred to Jeff GIosser, the Chairman of the Law Committee, for his review, along with a recommendation to amend the By-Laws to explicitly exempt individual officers of the Club from any liability on behalf of the Club.

Old Business
Jack Sanders reminded members that the proposed change to the Standing Rules suggested by Marilyn Fuchs and printed in the December Islander amending the current charge and procedure for paying for large parties on the Island will be discussed at the January meeting.

Several members brought up the proposed new deck for discussion and questioned whether the Club should proceed with construction. These members felt that the proposed deck would detract from the architectural integrity of the clubhouse building, would probably not be used very much by members, and was not worth the cost. Other members expressed support for the proposed deck as designed by architect John Weibenson. After a lengthy discussion, Jack Sanders ruled that a reconsideration of the construction of the deck was not in order because that Club had already voted on at least two separate occasions to proceed with the deck.

Art Gutnick offered to present a slide show of his recent trip to China at the January meeting.

Jack Sanders thanked hosts Peggy and John Thomson for hosting the Club. The meeting adjourned at 10:08 pm for delicious refreshments.

-- David S. Lyles, Recording Secretary