Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 13, 1991

The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island at 8:03 pm by President Jack Sanders. Present were: Jack Sanders, Art Gutnick, Tryon Wells, Phil Jones, Pat Barnett, John Thomson, Gerry Barton, Brad Coolidge, John Matthews, Peter Jones, Doc Taliaferro, CharlesTrammell III, Holly Syrakkos.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved as printed in the November issue of the Islander.

John Thomson indicated that he needed volunteers to collate and stuff the Islander each month. This job has been done by members in the past. If we have to have the printer do this, it will cost the Club $63.20 per month, or over $750 per year.

Treasurer Ken Sale submitted a report for the month of October showing a balance of $27,764.00 at the beginning of October. The end of the month balance was not available because the monthly statement had not yet arrived.

Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs' report showed revenues of $38,987.83 for the fiscal year from November 1, 1990 to October 31, 1991.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported one change in membership during the past month. One member moved from Regular to Senior status. Pat did not recommend a candidate to fill the empty Regular membership slot at this time because of the need to review the Inactive list.

A brief discussion of the Inactive membership category took place, and it was the consensus of the membership that "compelling personal reasons" required in the By-Laws for Inactive membership should be limited to physical or financial hardship on the part of the member.

Captain John Matthews presented a plan for a new deck for the Clubhouse drawn up by John Weibenson. The deck would be at the second floor level on the Virginia side of the Clubhouse. The three windows on the Virginia side of the Clubhouse would be converted into double doors that would open out onto the deck. John Matthews estimated the cost at approximately $8,500.00, although more detailed drawings and bids are needed to arrive at a more definite cost figure. The drawings of the deck will be on display for members' review during the workfest, and a final plan will be presented to the membership at the December meeting of the C1ub.

Caretaker Peter Jones reported that the beaver had been very active on the Island; some of the trees at the lower end of the Island have been protected with chickenwire.

House Committee Chairman Charles Trammell III noted that the bricks still need replacing in the floor of the men's locker room from the work done on the addition to the Caretaker's apartment.

New Business
Marilyn Fuchs submitted a proposed change to the Standing Rules that would change the current charge and procedure for paying f or large parties on the Island. The proposed change will be printed in the December Islander and the measure will be acted on at the January meeting.

On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Jack Sanders presented a slate of officers, supervisors and chairs of standing committees for 1992. The only position still unfilled is chair of the House Committee. The Nominating Committee's recommended slate will be published in the December Islander and acted on at the December meeting.

Members listed projects for the Fall Workfest to be held on November 17, 1991.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.

-- David S. Lyles, Recording Secretary