Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
September 11, 1991
The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island at 8:15 p.m. by Vice President Tryon Wells. Present were: Mary and Joe Vogel, Phil Jones, Art Gutnick, Marion and Mark Schlefer, Holly Syrrakos, Ted Rice, Penny and Dick Doolittle, Charles Trammel III, Ann and Alan Boneau, Sally Strain, Tryon Wells, Peggy and John Thomson, Peter Jones, Chris Lyles, David Lyles.
The Islander for September and October will be combined in a single issue, so the minutes of the August meeting will be available for approval at the October meeting.
Treasurer Ken Sale submitted a report for the month of August showing a balance in the Club's cash management account of $31,410.00 at the end of the month.
Membership Secretary Pat Barnett's report showed only one change in membership status: Robert and Audrey Fritts have moved from Regular to Inactive status. The waiting list currently stands at 93.
Swimming Chairman Al Brown submitted a report indicating that he will prepare a ladder for the new float. A new safety rope has been purchased to secure the swimming float in high water.
House Committee Chairman Charlie Trammell III noted the purchase of 14 white plastic chairs and the restoration of 7 deck chairs in the Clubhouse. The members were very appreciative of having so many comfortable chairs to choose from for the meeting.
Old Business
The new siding for the exterior of the clubhouse discussed at the last meeting was brought up again. Members agreed that Captain John Matthews should be asked to get an estimate for putting the new siding over the old on the Clubhouse.
New Business
David Lyles noted that Jack Sanders was looking for volunteers to serve on the nominating Committee to develop a slate of officers for the Club for 1992. David Lyles volunteered to serve.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. for a slide show by Chris and David Lyles of their canoe trip down the St. John River in northwestern Maine last May.
-- David S. Lyles, Recording Secretary