Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

May 8, 1991

The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island at 8:01 pm by Vice President Tryon Wells. Present were: Tryon Wells, Ken Sale, Betty Burchell, Nancy Bower, Peggy Thomson, John Thomson, Art Gutnick, David Winer, Jane Winer, Phil Jones, David Lyles, Bill Bays, Peter Jones , Holly Syrakkos.

The minutes of the April meeting were approved as printed in the May edition of The Sycamore Islander.

Treasurer Ken Sale submitted a report for the month of April showing a balance in the Club's cash management account of $33,1958.32 at the beginning of April. The end of the month balance was not available at the time of the meeting.

Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs' report showed deposits of $1,5196.00 during the past month.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett sent a report that no changes in membership had occurred in the past month. The waiting list stands at 80.

Grounds Committee Chairperson Betty Burchell reminded members of the upcoming Third Saturday work session on May 18.

Caretaker Peter Jones noted that Captain John Matthews had brought several workers down to the Island recently. A leak in the Clubhouse roof has been patched; the gutters on the Clubhouse have been repaired; and the screens on the screen porch have been replaced. There will be more work done in the near future, including new supports for the stairs and deck entering the Clubhouse.

New Business
Betty Burchell invited all Club members to a picnic on the Island in June to celebrate the life of her late husband Bob Burchell. A date will be announced in the June Islander.

Betty Burchell led a discussion about several issues related to the general safety of the Club and the Island. A sign will be put up in the display case by the walkway up from the ferry reminding all members to sign the waiver of liability forms. Betty suggested that a Safety officer be appointed for the Club, and David Lyles agreed to work with her to draft an appropriate change to the Bylaws on this matter for the Club's consideration.

Members were reminded that the Island closes at dusk unless prior arrangements are made with the Caretaker. Members were also reminded that it is the host's responsibility to operate the ferry during large parties on the Island.

John Thomson reported on the 36th running of the Potomac River Whitewater Canoe Race. Those who participated in the race remarked on the wonderful refreshments provided by the Gabers. Next year, the Club will seek volunteers to operate the ferry during the race.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.

-- David Lyles, Recording Secretary