Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

April 10, 1991

The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island at 8:05 pm by President Jack Sanders. Present were: Gerry Barton, Phil Jones, Greg Super, Sally Strain, Nancy Bower, Jack Colwell, Ken Sale, Pat Barnett, Chita Davis, Al Brown, Marty Burgess, Art Gutnick, Rex Davis, Richard Young, John Lentz, Ruth Haas, Tryon Wells, John Matthews, Ann Michener, Mary Vogel, Jack Sanders, Jessie Bakeman, Luther Carter, Mark Schlefer, Karl Kosok, Marion Schlefer, David Lyles, Peter Jones, Holly Syrakkos

The minutes of the March meeting were approved as printed in the April edition of The Sycamore Islander, subject to the following corrections: in the third paragraph summarizing Membership Secretary Pat Barnett's report, the line "because they were expecting babies soon" should read "because they have young infants". The last sentence in that paragraph should conclude with "which is automatic for people leaving for a year or more and has been granted for medical reasons."

Treasurer Ken Sale submitted a report for the month of March showing a balance in the Club's cash management account of $33,022.04 at the beginning of March. The end of the month balance was unavailable.

Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuch's report showed deposits of $4,670.00 during the past month. There are no people in default as of April 1 in their dues.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported 5 resignations of Regular members, and two resignations of Inactive members. Harry Piper, a member since 1942, was elected to Honorary membership. The five new members elected to Regular membership are: Ronald and Leslie Bruno, Milton and Patricia Czerny

Captain John Matthews reported that he has not had an opportunity to meet with the architect to develop plans for the Clubhouse deck that was discussed at the March meeting.

Canoeing Supervisor John Lentz noted that there are currently 7 vacant canoe racks, which appears to be enough to accommodate new members. The canoe shed and racks appear to be in good shape.

Electrical Supervisor Art Gutnick noted that the electrical system on the Island is in good shape. Ceiling fans will be installed in the Caretaker's apartment and the Clubhouse.

It was noted that the correct phone number for Parties and Camping Chairpersons James GiIbane and Fraser Brewer is 301/654-6067.

Old Business
President Jack Sanders reminded the members of the upcoming spring workfest on the Island on April 21 (rain date April 28).

New Business
President Jack Sanders noted that the special Committee to look into the question of the size of the Club membership first discussed at the January meeting had not been appointed. Jack noted that the original sponsor of the proposal to form this Committee had suggested that a special long range planning Committee be established instead to look into a broad range of future needs of the Club, including the size of the Club's financial reserves, use of the Club property, and future membership levels. After discussion of the possible agenda for such a Committee, further discussion of the motion to establish this special Committee was postponed for a future meeting.

The members then turned to a discussion of the proposed change in the Standing Rules of the Club to allow dogs on the Island. Luther Carter introduced his proposal, which was slightly amended from the proposal he published in the February edition of The Sycamore Islander. Under the amended proposal, Standing Rule 9(c) would be amended so that dogs would be permitted on the Island under leash for a trial period of one year and a sign would be erected at the ferry landing stating clearly what the rules are for dogs on the Island. There was a vigorous discussion on both sides of this issue by the members. The final vote on this proposal was 3 in favor, 16 opposed, and 3 abstaining. The proposed change to the Standing Rules was defeated.

President Jack Sanders noted that he will check with the Park Service on whether the canal will be repaired and filled with water.

A question was raised whether the Club made a final decision on construction of a new deck for the Clubhouse at the March meeting. President Jack Sanders; noted that the decision at the March meeting was unanimous that the Club should consider building a deck that was "compatible with the building." Jack said that the issue would be raised with the Architect and discussed again at a future meeting of the Club.

Members expressed compliments on Peter Jones' monthly columns in The Sycamore Islander.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.

-- David S. Lyles, Recording Secretary