Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
January 9, 1991
The meeting was called to order at the home of Angela and Jeff Glosser by President Jack Sanders at 8:10 pm. Present were: Coy Lay, Ken Sale, David Lyles, Angela Glosser, Phil Jones, Jeff Glosser, John Thomson, Tom Richards, Pat Barnett, Ellen Richards, Mark Schlefer, Brad Coolidge, Tryon Wells, Holly Syrrakos, Jack Sanders, John Matthews, Peggy Thomson, Lee Maholchic, Kevin Coyle, Sheryl Schulte.
The minutes of the December meeting were approved as printed in the January edition of The Sycamore Islander.
Treasurer Ken Sale submitted a report for the month of December showing a balance in the Club's cash management account of $14,582.49 at the beginning of the month. The monthly statement from the cash management account was late in arriving and an end of the month figure was unavailable at meeting time.
Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs' report showed deposits of $4,239.33 during the past month. With one exception, all Club members were current in dues by the end of December 1990. That member will be contacted before the next meeting.
Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported three resignations, one transfer from inactive to regular status, and one death in the past month. Two new members were elected to regular membership: Lyle Blanchard, Peter Gillon and Melinda Wolf. The Waiting List now stands at 81.
Captain John Matthews reported that the electrical work at the Island has been completed. He indicated that he would be looking into new gutters for the second story of the Clubhouse. Members also noted the need to consider applying more oil to the upstairs wooden floor of the Clubhouse. Finally, there was a discussion of the need to paint the new addition to the Caretaker's apartment and the entire Clubhouse. It was noted that House Committee Chairperson Charlie Trammell III has been looking into alternatives in this area. John Matthews indicated that he would get some estimates on the cost of stripping the old paint on the Clubhouse. Architect John Weibenson will also be consulted on the paint for the Caretaker's addition.
The members then turned to a discussion of the proposed amendment to the By-Laws proposed by Phil Jones in the January Islander to increase the ceiling on Regular membership from 155 to 165. After a lengthy debate, a motion was offered to defer action on the proposed increase in membership and to have the President appoint a committee of at least 3 members to make a long-term analysis of the Club's membership capacity. This motion was adopted by a vote of 7 to 4.
In closing, Jack Sanders expressed the appreciation of the Club to Angela and Jeff Glosser for hosting the January meeting.
Following the completion of the business portion of the meeting, Kevin Coyle, the President of the American Rivers organization, provided a slide show discussion of his organization's work to preserve and protect America's free-flowing natural rivers.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 pm, for delicious refreshments provided by our hosts.
-- David S. Lyles, Recording Secretary