Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
November 14, 1990
The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island by President Jack Sanders at 8:08 pm. Present were: Tryon Wells, Charles Trammel III, David Lyles, Ken Sale, Phil Jones, Betty Burchell, John Thomson, Jack Sanders, Pat Barnett, Peter Jones, Mark Schlefer, Ruth Haas, Marian Schlefer, Marilyn Fuchs, Peter Fuchs.
The minutes of the September and October meetings were approved as printed in the October and November editions of The Sycamore Islander.
Jack Sanders read a letter from Phil Stone in which Phil resigned his regular membership in the Club as of December 31, 1990. He also donated his canoe to the Club.
The members at the meeting reminisced about Phil's long relationship with the Club. Phil has been associated with the Club for the past 63 years, and served 27 years as an officer of the Club. His resignation was accepted with deep regret, and he was unanimously and enthusiastically elected to honorary membership.
Treasurer Ken Sale submitted a report for the month of October showing a balance in the Club's cash management account of $16,719.67 at the end of the month. Ken noted that all but $3,000 of the approximately $25,000 cost of the addition to the Caretaker's apartment and the new stairs has come from current operating funds. The $3,000 has been borrowed from the Club's cash reserves.
Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs reported collections of $50.00 during the month of November. There is a balance of $545.83 in dues outstanding from 9 members. All members of the Club have made some payment. (For more discussion of this subject, see New Business below.)
Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported one vacancy. Margaret Herring was elected to regular membership. There are now 78 people on the waiting list, and the waiting period to become a member is approximately 3 years. There was a discussion of the current policy of allowing people at the top of the waiting list to defer coming into the Club when offered membership and remaining at the top of the waiting list. No action was taken on this question.
Grounds Supervisor Betty Burchell reported that scrap wood from the renovation of the Caretaker's apartment was available for firewood.
House Committee Chairman Charlie Trammell III reported that the painting of the screen porch was finished. The next project will be replacement of the doors and screens on the screen porch.
John Thomson, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, reported on the nominations for officers, supervisors and committee chairpersons for the coming year. The Nominating Committee's proposed slate was printed in the November Islander. The election of officers for the coming year will take place at the Annual Meeting of the Club in December.
Caretaker Peter Jones reported that an injured deer had been seen on the small island at the southern end of Sycamore Island for about a week, but has since gone.
New Business
There was a discussion of the timing of dues payments by members throughout the year led by Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs.
Marilyn pointed out that it is the responsibility of the individual members to pay their dues. It was the clear sense of the meeting that the Financial Secretary should fully apply all of the duties of her office concerning the payment of dues as spelled out in the Club's By-Laws and Standing Rules, the appropriate portions of which are quoted below:
16. Dues. Each member shall pay dues as established by the members in meeting assembled. The dues shall be paid to the Financial Secretary annually, in advance on January first, or in four equal installments, each quarter in advance, on the first days of January, April, July and October.
The dues of a new member shall be pro-rated by months for the quarter during which his application is approved, and his dues shall begin on the first day of the month following such approval.
17. Expulsion for Non-Payment of Dues. A member whose Club dues for any quarter are unpaid sixty days after the beginning of that quarter shall be warned personally by the Financial Secretary that, unless the dues are paid in full by the last day of that quarter, he shall be deemed to have resigned as of the date of the following regular meeting; provided that at that meeting the members may postpone the automatic resignation until the date of the next following regular meeting, or may accept a satisfactory plan for payment.
18. Resignation. A member who wishes to resign shall so notify the Financial Secretary in writing, whereupon at their next meeting the members may accept the resignation and fix its effective date. Such member shall be liable for all dues and other debts to the Corporation accruing prior to the effective date of his resignation; if not paid, such member shall be recorded as resigning not in good standing.
3D. Financial Secretary. Shall receive all money paid to the Corporation and deposit all receipts at least once each month in the Corporation's checking account, and shall: ...
f. Bill new members for dues from the first of the month following the month in which elected to the end of the fiscal year; ...
h. Send a bill annually to each member on or about the first of January, showing all dues or other money payable by him to the Corporation; ...
i. Submit each month to the members at their regular meeting the names of all members in arrears in the payment of dues or other money due the Corporation; ...
j. Warn members who are delinquent in payment of dues, in accordance with By-Law 17;
In closing, Jack reminded members of the Fall Workfest and potluck dinner scheduled for Saturday, November 17. Projects for the workfest were discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
-- David S. Lyles, Recording Secretary