Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
October 10, 1990
The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island by Treasurer Kenneth Sale at 8:01 p.m. Present were: Tryon Wells, John Thomson, Betty Burchell, Ken Sale, Pat Barnett, Phil Jones, Peter Jones.
Inasmuch as most members had not received the October issue of The Sycamore Islander, discussion of the published minutes of the September meeting was deferred.
Treasurer Ken Sale submitted a report for September. The big expense was an $8,000 payment to John Matthews from the Building Fund. Despite this, finances look good through the end of the year, that is, there is no immediate need for a special assessment. Detailed recommendations will be made in the annual report to be presented in December.
Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported no openings in regular membership, but that additions to the waiting list have pushed back the time on the list to three years. it was suggested that at the November meeting members might want to review the issue of overcrowding to see whether the regular membership limit -- now 155 -- should be increased.
New Business
President Jack Sanders has named the nominating committee. It consists of John S. Thomson, chair, Pat Barnett and Ken Sale.
John Thomson reported on the visit of 88-year-old clubhouse architect John Loehler.
The November meeting will be the last held on the island this year. John Thomson offered to host the December meeting, an offer that was gratefully accepted.
Betty Burchell gave an update on the continuing problem of overhead airplane noise. No immediate relief is expected.
The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
-- Philip Jones, Acting Recording Secretary