Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

September 12, 1990

The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island by Treasurer Kenneth Sale at 8:06 p.m. Present were: Tryon Wells, Charles Trammell III, Gerry Barton, Holly Syrrakos, Peter Jones, John S. Thomson, Phil Jones, Bill Holland, Patricia Barnett, John Michener, Ann Michener, James Proctor, Ken Sale.

The minutes of the meeting of August 8 were approved as printed in the September edition of The Sycamore Islander.

John Thomson received a letter from John Loehler, age 88, architect (in 1936) of the present clubhouse, now living in Florida. John Loehler will be attending a ceremony at the National Cathedral, which he also had a hand in designing. There was a vote to welcome him back to visit the island. Thomson will arrange with the Park Service to drive Loehler, who has an artificial hip, to the ferry landing.

Treasurer Ken Sale submitted reports for July and August, detailing expenses of $1,815 in July and $2,843 in August. The main expense in August was $1,400 in property tax on our two islands.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported no vacancies in regular membership which now totals 155. The waiting list stands at 66. In 1990, 15 new members have been added, including a spouse following a divorce.

House Chairman Charles Trammell III drew attention to the light, neat appearance of the freshly painted screen porch, where the meeting was being held.

New Business
Fall workfest date: Noting that it was desirable to avoid Thanksgiving weekend (November 22nd), members agreed to schedule the fall workfest on Saturday the 17th of November. Raindate will be Saturday, December lst.

Peter Jones reported that construction of the addition to the caretaker's quarters was basically complete and it was ready for winter weather. Painting inside is moving along. Outside, the understanding with Matthews is that painting is to be done by members. He suggests that a green stain, trade named "Sycamore," would be appropriate. Both Peter and Holly were highly enthusiastic about their enlarged quarters; Holly said it was "really great."

According to Peter, the main stairs will be replaced shortly and the status of the side stairs is still "under consideration" by Matthews.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

-- Philip Jones, Acting Recording Secretary