Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

August 8, 1990

The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island by President Jack Sanders at 8:02 pm. The meeting took place in the spacious, handsome and almost-completed addition to the Caretaker's apartment. Present were: Tryon Wells, Charles Trammel III, David Lyles, Al Brown, Holly Syrrakos, Betty Burchell, John Thomson, Jack Sanders, Pat Barnett, Peter Jones, John Matthews, Doc Taliaferro, John Stapko.

The minutes of the meeting of July 11 were approved as printed in the August edition of The Sycamore Islander.

Jack Sanders reported on a letter from Mr. Frank L. Jensen, President of the Helicopter Association International, expressing concern over the recent incident in which a helicopter hovered close to the Island for an extended period of time. Doc Taliaferro, interim caretaker, reported that the helicopter inspected the Island from very close range for approximately 25 minutes, often hovering below tree level on the river. John Thomson reported that the pilot had been hired by Washingtonian Magazine to do an article on canoeing in Washington. However, after surveying the Island for approximately half an hour from the air, the photographer on board decided that there was not enough activity on the Island to warrant using it as the subject of an article.

Jack Sanders also received a note of thanks from the American Rivers Council for our allowing them to use the Island for their staff retreat. Jack indicated that the American Rivers Council will be addressing one of our winter meetings about the activities of their organization.

Treasurer Ken Sale submitted an interim report for the month of August noting that expenditures for the Caretaker's addition have totaled $9,784.50 to date. A complete report covering August and September will be submitted at the next meeting.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett reported that there were no changes in membership in the last month. There are now 65 people on the waiting list, and the waiting period to become a member is approximately 2 years.

Captain John Matthews reported on the ongoing work on the Caretaker's addition. He also reported that the new sewage system seems to be working, but there is still an occasional odor. He will contact Plumbing Supervisor Joe O'Boyle to look at the system.

During the Captain's report, there was a discussion of the Circle of Warmth fireplace in the Clubhouse and the need to replace it for insurance purposes. It was moved and seconded that the fireplace be removed, and that the Club officers try to secure fire insurance for the Clubhouse. The motion was unanimously adopted.

Grounds Supervisor Betty Burchell reiterated the need for members of the Grounds Committee to pull weeds in a number of places on the Island.

New Business
Peter Jones reported that a Park Service historian will be down soon to examine the cannon ball discovered during the work on the Caretaker's addition.

Jack Sanders thanked John Matthews for all of his service to the Club in replacing the sewage system and in building the Caretaker's addition.

Jack also complimented the House Committee for their work in painting the screen porch.

In closing, Jack reminded members of the Third Saturday work session scheduled for Saturday morning, August 18. The main chores will be completing the paint job on the screen porch and cleaning up the construction debris from the work on the Caretaker's addition.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.

-- David S. Lyles, Recording Secretary