Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

July 11, 1990

The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island by President Jack Sanders at 8:00 pm. Present were: Tryon Wells, Charles Trammel III, Ken Sale, Phil Jones, Holly Syrrakos, Betty Burchell, Mark Schlefer, Jack Sanders, Marian Schlefer, Peter Jones

The minutes of the meeting of June 13 were approved as printed in the July edition of The Sycamore Islander.

The National Park Service sent the Club a copy of the River Conservation Directory. Copies are available for $6.

Treasurer Ken Sale reported an operating balance of $31,452.77 in the Club's Cash Management Account as of the end of June, 1990.

Financial Secretary Marilyn Fuchs' report showed total deposits of $593.32 to the Club's account in the past month. With the exception of one new member, all members now have made payment on 1990 dues.

Membership Secretary Pat Barnett sent word that there were no changes in membership for the Club to consider.

Peter Jones reported for Captain John Matthews that ditches have been dug for the foundation of the addition to the Caretaker's apartment. It is possible that the addition will be completed by the time Peter and Holly return from their vacation on August 4.

Peter and Holly will be on vacation from July 21 to August 4. Doc Taliaferro, who has served as a fill-in caretaker in the past, will serve as caretaker during Peter and Holly's absence, as well as on Saturdays during the month of August.

Grounds Supervisor Betty Burchell reported that she had sent out an SOS to people who have expressed an interest in doing grounds work. Weeding is a job that needs a lot of attention, and will be one of the chores for the July Third Saturday work session.

House Committee Chairman Charles Trammell noted the progress on the paint job on the screen porch. More needs to be done, however, and this is also a project for the July Third Saturday work session.

New Business
Holly Syrakkos brought in a round, rusty object, about 6 to 8 inches in diameter and weighing about 20 pounds. It was found when the foundation for the Caretaker's addition was being dug, and appears to be a Civil War cannonball.

Peter Jones noted that he had discovered that it resembled a. practice cannonball. Betty Burchell reported that a local Civil War buff told her that cannons were placed on the bluff a little above the current location of the Black's house at Battery Alexander. This was part of Fort Sumner, and covered the high land above MacArthur Blvd. a little down river from Sycamore. Apparently, the inhabitants of the Fort would aim at a hill called Target Hill, the high point above Glen Echo Park. The local historian suggested that a shot fired only a few degrees off course could land on Sycamore Island. Betty agreed to pursue the subject further with other local experts.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Betty Burchell, Acting Recording Secretary