The meeting was called to order on the island at 8:10 p.m. by President David Ly1es. Present were: Peter Fuchs, Betty Burchell, John Heidemann, Margaret Herring, Marion Schlefer, Frank Schlefer, Brad Coolidge, Joe Vogel, John Matthews, Tryon Wells, Mary Voge1, Patricia Barnett, Gerry Barton, John Wiebenson, Peter Jones, Peggy Thomson.
The minutes of the October 11 meeting were accepted as printed in THE SYCAMORE ISLANDER (November, 1989) except for the following correction as noted by Brad Coolidge. On page five in the description of amendments to the Standing rules and By-laws published in the ISLANDER, item B is corrected to read as follows: "The membership categories of Temporary and Non-Resident Membership were abolished. The category of Inactive Membership was created."
No communications reported.
Mark Schlefer reported expenditures of $1,247; deposits of $437: and balance of $16,762 in CMA account. We have $25,000 in CDs and total liquid assets of $41,762. Motion was approved to add $200 to budget for taxes as $115 had been taken from contingency reserve for taxes. We may need a budget increase for insurance category, but we have not received bill yet.
No changes except one addition to the waiting list.
Peter Jones reported an insurance adjuster had visited island, but he only passes on information to insurance pool, making no recommendations.
Betty Burchell requested members who rake leaves near Fassler's Folly to add them to the Folly rather than putting in water.
Nominatlng Committee:
David Lyles thanked Phil Jones for his help on the committee. Al1 positions are filled except for archivist, which will be filled from floor before voting at December meeting. Any volunteers are asked to contact David.
David Ly1es reported on projects to be completed at this Sunday's workfest and pot1uck supper. Mid-afternoon, a tree-p1anting ceremony honoring Phil Jones will be held. The tree is a Washington Hawthorne.
David Lyles reminded members that at the annual meeting last December, the club approved concept of enlarging caretaker's Quarters, with possible expenditure of $4-8,OOO. Tonight's discussion to focus on what we want as an addition and how to get plans underway. Architect John Wiebenson described to members some of his ideas.
During the discussion that followed, members offered a variety of ideas for expansion. The idea of expanding the Quarters towards the slough seemed to be impractical because of expense in building and vu1nerability to flooding. Less expensive possibility is to use 2/3 of present screen porch for Quarters, change entrance to clubhouse (move stairs to side). Also a suggestion to add 2d floor to Quarters. Some members are interested in upper or lower deck, a1so in expanding porch to riverside. Al1 of this depends on budget.
Consensus was that we want to enhance the c1ubhouse and surrounding area in addition to expanding the caretaker's quarters. The architect suggested making drawings of alternative plans (with rough cost estimates from John Matthews) to be published in the ISLANDER before the December meeting. The drawings would illustrate suggested renovations in different price categories as follows:
1. Expanding caretaker's Quarters into screened porch (or possibly using part of men's locker space) and moving stairs to appropriate place.
2. All of above, plus ground level terrace and refurbishing of clubhouse, also including replacing stairs to women's locker area.
3. Upper leve1 deck 4. Upper level deck with screen porch under it.
Ways of financing were discussed and treasurer felt we have the resources to cover costs. To build up reserves again, we could either increase dues or have a special levy. David Lyles said we did not want to increase dues or have levy until necessary. Treasurer Mark Schlefer said that what we are planning is a permanent improvement and it would be logical to spread costs over a longer period of time rather than levy present membership.
Consensus was to make a final decision at December meeting--to agree to decide on a plan and decide on how to finance later. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary, 15 November, 1989