Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

September 13, 1989

The meeting was ca11ed to order on the Island at 8:05 p.m. by President David Lyles. Present were: David Lyles, John Thomson, Larry Heilman, Gerry Barton, Marcia Marks, Patricia Barnett, Philip Jones, Mark Sch1efer, Betty Burche11, Peter Fuchs, Marion Sch1efer, Mary Vogel

The minutes of the 9 August meeting were accepted as printed in THE SYCAMORE ISLANDER (September, 1989).

No communications reported.


Mark Schlefer reported a balance of $24,027 in CMA account at beginning of July, with deposits of $825 and dividends of $168. No deposits for August have been received as yet. Expenses in August were $4,211. Total liquid assets are $45,609. We are well within our budget because repairs/maintenance have been less than expected. Insurance has also been less. David Lyles reported that our insurance company is still pursuing coverage for fire and liability.

Marcia Marks reported that Brian and Margaret Gorman have moved to non-resident status. She recommended Andrew and Jody Chritton move to temporary membership. Motion to do so approved by members. His father is longtime member. Two additions to waiting Iist: Deborah Behr, Washington,D.C. and Kyle and Susan Chambers, Rockville, Md. Larry and Eve Barrett have been removed from waiting list as they have moved to Colorado. At present we have 17 non-resident members; 138 regular; 17 temporary; 26 senior; and 56 on waiting list.

Progress is being made on addition to caretaker's Quarters. A sketch of proposed remodeling was shown to members.

Grounds Committee:
Betty Burchell reported she had bought water pump discussed at last meeting, which has been used successfully. She discussed lack of attendance at past two Saturday workfests. An urgent project at this Saturday's workfest is to cut back kudzu vine. Other tasks are to put battens on tool shed; improve the path from McArthur Blvd. to Island as it is eroding from poor drainage; cut wood for winter.

Need for a chainsaw was discussed wlth pros and cons of electric and gasoline types. It was decided Peter Fuchs and Peter Jones will purchase good-sized gasoline chain saw as money is in budget.

Nominatlng Committee:
David Lyles reported that he and Phil Jones have begun selection process. Financial secretary is needed. As Bill Banta has automated the process, the job has been simplified. Volunteers are welcome to join committee.


David Lyles said it was time to act on report of Ad Hoc Archival Committee, composed of Charley Trammell, Phil Stone, and John Thomson. Their task was to find a safe place for our archives. They investigated Martin Luther King Library and Historical Society of Washington, either of which would have been suitable. But they recommended we select the Historical Society of Washington. Members of club will have access to the records, which will also be open to others for research. John Thomson made the motion that our archives be given to the Historical Society of Washington by proper deed of gift with right for members to view them and open to researchers. Motion passed unanimously.

David Lyles said he had been considering Question of membership changes but before final decision can be made we need to consider legal details further.

Betty Burchel1 brought up liability question and wondered if we were getting needed waivers signed. As party supervisor, Pat Barnett sends waivers to sponsors of parties and asks them to have their guests sign the waivers. Points brought out in discussion by members were: importance of having each guest at large party sign a waiver; parents must sign waivers for children under 18; anyone using canoes must sign waiver. Because of importance of this issue, David Lyles offered to draft a policy statement, reviewed by law experts, to be published in Islander. Mark Schlefer and David Lyles would also review the waiver we are presently using. This year waivers wil1 be sent to members with dues notices and must be signed by all members.


President David Lyles thanked Vice President Jack Sanders for presiding in his place the past two months. He also thanked the July and August caretakers: James Meeker and Chris Lentz.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary 13 September 1989