Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

August 9, 1989

The meeting was called to order on the Island at 8:05 p.m. by Vice President Jack Sanders.

Present were: Gerry Barton, Al Brown, Betty Burchell, Nancy Bower, Peter Jones, Johnna Robinson, Philip Jones, Coy Lay, John Thomson, Mary Vogel, Patricia Barnett, Jack Sanders, Holly Syrakkos.

The minutes of the 12 July meeting were accepted as printed in The Sycamore Islander (August, 1989).


No reports presented from Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Eligibility, and Captain.

No communications.

Betty Burchell requested permission to buy a water pump on sale at Hechinger's this week to use to water grounds. It would also be useful in case of fire. Permission granted as it will come out of her budget. If the pump doesn't meet certain specifications as noted in discussion, she will not buy it.

Peter Jones reported that the electrician had inspected buildings and had repaired minor defects. John Matthews had met with the architect about proposed addition to Living Quarters and plans are to extend living room toward the Maryland shore. Architect is to prepare plans.

Pat Barnett aske a question of members: Can caretakers have large parties? Pat thought that you shouldn't deprive someone living on the Island from having a party, but members should have precedence. After brief discussion, members agreed that Peter Jones can schedule a party on same basis as members.


Members discussed problems with large parties on Island, brought up at last meeting. Betty Burchell reported that John Matthews told her in telephone conversation that sewage system cannot accommodate very 1arge parties, possibly over 15. He is also concerned about liability problems.

Pat Barnett reported the average large party is 35-40 or possibly less. John Thomson saw no need for limitations on party size for sewage purposes.

One member suggested that we disallow very large parties if we do not get increased liability insurance.

After brief discussion, Vice Pres. Jack Sanders proposed that subject be referred to President David Lyles for systematic study of problem.

Jack Sanders reminded members that Nominating Committee, chaired by David Lyles and with member Phil Jones, wants volunteers to join it.

The 3d Saturday workday is Saturday, August 19. Jack Sanders also asked for volunteers for caretaker this month, August 20 and August 26.

Jack Sanders reported that Congress did not cut funds for water data collection as feared, and it was not necessary to write our letter in protest.


John Thomson reported on the decision of the Archival Committee (reported in detail in Islander) to select the Historical Society of Washington as repository of our records. Members will vote on issue next month.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary
12 August 1989