Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

July 12, 1989

The meeting was called to order on the Island at 8:10 p.m. by Vice President Jack Sanders.

Present were: Mary Vogel, Jack Sanders, John Thomson, Peggy Thomson, John Stapko, Marion Schlefer, Marcia Marks, Peter Jones, Art Gutnick, Gerry Barton, Ruth Haas, Peter Fuchs.

The minutes of the June 14 meeting were accepted as printed in the Sycamore Islander (July, 1989).

No communications reported.


Marion Schlefer (for Mark Schlefer) reported expenditures of $1,355; deposits of $1,819 and CMA dividends of $214. The balance in CMA account at end of period is $24,027; one 5-year CD of $15,000; one 5-year CD of $10,000; and total liquid assets of $49,027. Jack Sanders reported that discussions are continuing on increasing our liability coverage.

Financial Secretary:
John Thomson (for Bill Banta) reported deposits of $825 as dues, application fees, and guest card fees. Dues are outstanding in the sum of $1,065 for 12 members. Five are taken care of, some have made partial payments, and the process is underway to complete the payments.

Marcia Narks reported no resignations, and one application (Susan and William Benson) to add to the waiting list. At present we have 17 non-resident members; 138 regular; 17 temporary; 26 senior; and 58 on waiting list.

John Stapko (for John Matthews) discussed plans for future painting of clubhouse and electric system. It is essential not to paint when humidity is too high. We need to organize a 6-man committee, 3 to use body grinders and 3 to paint who can come down to the Island on short notice when the weather is good. We hope to paint in September or early October.

Also discussed was possible Capital expenditure for new sewage system in future. John Thomson suggested that Honorary Member John Loehler, who is in Florida at present, could advise us.

Art Gutnick suggested getting an electrician to repair present electrical problems. Betty Burchell needs volunteers to help tend grounds at the 3d Saturday workday this Saturday. Peter Jones reported discussing new addition with John Matthews but plans are still not firm.

Peter Fuchs asked for assistance in selecting items to frame from documents we've saved. We have been given about one dozen frames.


Committee member Marcia Marks led the discussion before voting on recommendations for changes in membership categories. Marcia noted that the aim of the committee was to make the rules simpler and not to exclude anyone. Fol1owing are the suggested changes to the draft recommendations that appeared in the June Islander:

1. Membership Categories (No Changes)
Regular, Senior and Honorary categories are unchanged.

Applicant (formerly called waiting list) and Inactive categories are new or redefined.

2. Applicant Category (wait list)
The only change in text suggested in this category was to insert the fol1owing sentence after the sentence in draft describing how applicants may buy a guest card at 50% of regular dues pro-rated to nearest month. "Those purchasing guest cards will not pay the $36 annual fee."

3. Inactive Category
The only change in text suggested in this category is to delete the last sentence in paragraph three which begins "And folks like…"

4. Gaining and Regaining Regular Membership (No changes)

5. Effective Date (No changes)

In the general discussion before voting, members expressed concern that the inactive status by choice not be abused. Marcia Marks made a motion that the draft presented this evening by the membership committee with suggested changes be adopted to be re-written as By-Laws to be voted on by members at a later date. Seconded and approved unanimously.

Marcia Marks made the following motion as a recommendation to bring before the club after being published in the Islander: "Dues must be paid annually. The option of paying dues quarterly must be approved by special permission of the president of the club: Seconded and approved unanimously.


Vice President Jack Sanders stated that By-Laws state this is the meeting date at which nominating committee must be appointed. He has appointed David Lyles as Chair of Nominating Committee and Phil Jones as member. Anyone interested in serving on committee should contact David Lyles.

John Thomson made a motion requesting that President David Lyles write a letter as representative of the club in response to a key alert from American Society of Civil Engineers protesting cut in funds which will jeopardize essential water data col1ection programs. Seconded and approved.

Ruth Haas requested that some of her concerns about possible liability dangers be brought up at future meetings. Her concerns are: ferry should only be operated by club members; club canoes should be used only by members and not used by people at parties; waivers are not always signed; non-members being brought on Island by people at parties; limiting the size of large parties; and specifying number of chaperones for parties involving children.

Art Gutnick made several suggestions to address some of concerns about parties: Our club sign noting this is private club be posted at ferry; also post rules about using ferry; tell people who plan parties about rules on using ferry.

Jack Sanders recommended a committee be appointed to address the issue of large parties on the Island. Art Gutnick suggested we get legal advice on waivers for parties.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary, 23 July 1989