The meeting was ca11ed to order on Sycamore Island at 8:10 p.m. by Vice President Jack Sanders, substituting for President David Lyles, who arrived shortly thereafter.
Present were: Mary Vogel, Pat Barnett, Phil Jones, Charles Trammell, Phillip Stone, Betty Burchell, Peter Fuchs, Brad Coolidge, Victoria Dobbins, Marilyn Fuchs, Bill Duddleson, Peggy Thomson, Roger Cole (speaker), Bruce Dobbins, Art Gutnick, Jack Sanders, Marcia Marks, David Lyles, Mark Sch1efer, Marion Schlefer, Peter Jones, John Stapko.
The minutes of the March 8 meeting were accepted as printed in The Sycamore Islander (April, 1989).
No communications reported. David Lyles reminded members of this Sunday's Workfest and potluck supper.
Mark Schlefer reported expenditures for March of $2,608, deposits of $3,525, and CMA dividends of $167. Balance In CMA account at end of March was $22,140; 5 year CD 15,000; 5 year CD $10,000, with total liquid assets of $47,140.
Financial Secretary:
Marcia Marks (reporting for Bill Banta) stated that dues and guest card fees amounted to $2,635 for this period. Fifteen regular and two temporary members have not paid their annual dues, making $2,635 outstanding.
Brad Coolidge suggested that in this instance the automatic expulsion clause not be invoked but to ask our Sycamore Island editor to call persons who have not paid their dues.
Marcia Marks reported one resignation, John and Ann Schneider, regular members. She recommended that Charles M. Trammell III be moved to temporary membership which was unanimously approved.
Approved for regular membership were: Marjorie and Amos Eno; Frank Daspit and Nell Hennessey; Tom and Janice Pawlicki; Norman and Nancy Metzger; Billy and Naomi Bays; William and Dona Ruth Teel; Albert and Katherine Kapikian; David and Leslie Schneier; Charles Pill and Barbara Fisher; Kenneth and Chris Sale; Peter and Debra Friedmann; Larry and Eve Sherman; Don and Nancy Smith; Jeff Finn and Caroline Adair; and Dwight and Pamela Griswold.
Additions to the waiting list include: Paul and Jacqueline London; Daisy Irene Sealy; and William Eichbaum and Elissa Parker. Guest cards were issued to Gerald and Barbara Barton; Stefan and Shelah Leader; Brooks Billingsly; Lyle Blanchard; and Robert Lehrman.
At present we haye 17 non-resident members; 138 regular; 17 temporary; 26 senior and 57 on the waiting list.
Grounds Committee:
Betty Burchell reported the lawn has been seeded.
Jack Sanders reminded members we need volunteers for Saturdays.
David Lyles reported that Peter Jones will take his vacation at the end of this month. He leaves Saturday, April 22 and will return Monday, May 8. He asked members to volunteer to have one person visit the island each day to check the premises. If any prob1ems, call one of the officers. The ferry will be kept on the canal side.
Philip Stone, archivist, presented his annual report, which was approved by members and is incorporated into the minutes. Phil moved that the archivist be allowed to dispose of items held for ten years as required and motion was approved. Phil reported that he has long been concerned about keeping valuable records in the clubhouse on the island, and he and committee members have been contacting organizations who might be interested in having the records. Several organizations expressed interest and the committee will continue its search.
President David Lyles presented a Resolution honoring Philip J. Stone for his 27 consecutive years serving as an officer with the Sycamore Island Club and recognizing his many other activities that have served the club.
A tree was directed to be planted on the island in his honor. This resolution honoring Phil Stone was unanimously approved by members and is incorporated into the minutes.
An informative and entertaining program on wi1d flowers along the Potomac River and local areas was presented by photographer Roger Coles. The meeting ended at 9:50 p.m.
Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary, 22 April 1989