Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

March 8, 1989

The meeting was called to order at the home of John and Diane Noble at 8:10 p.m. by Vice President Jack Sanders, substituting for President David Lyles.

Present were: Mary Vogel, Jack Sanders, Peter Jones, Betty Burchell, Brad Coolidge, Diane Noble, Gerry Barton, Al Brown, Marcia Marks

The minutes of the 8 February meeting were accepted as printed in The Sycamore Islander (March 1989). Recording secretary Mary Vogel thanked Betty Buchell for doing an excellent job of taking the minutes at the February meeting on very short notice.

Jack Sanders reported on a letter sent to President David Lyles from the State Water Control Board of Virginia in response to David's letter concerning possible pollution of the Potomac. The Board wrote that the Broad Run Regional advanced waste treatment plant has not requested a permit as yet. If in the future, a permit application is filed, a public notice on the permit will be issued. The notice will solicit public comments for 30 days and that would be the appropriate time to submit detailed comments.

Al Brown as Swimming Chairman volunteered to find out more about possible pollution of the Potomac. He will consult with Blair Bower, George Loeb, Gerry Barton, and Bill Banta.

It was requested that members be advised again that there have been attacks on women recently along the Towpath so walkers may wish to exercise caution in talking with strangers.


In the absence of Mark Schlefer, Peter Jones reported a total of $21,056 in the CMA account at the end of February; dividends of $111.99 and expenses for February of $1,366. Tota1 liquid assets are $46,056.

Financial Secretary:
Marcia Marks (in absence of Bill Banta) reported deposits of $3,525 for February, plus $425 for guest cards and $389 in initial fees from persons on the waiting list. It was noted that at present the sum of $4,038 in dues is outstanding with 22 regular members not having paid their dues. Members are reminded that dues are payable on receipt and the club does not send a follow-up reminder.

Bill Banta requested dues be paid in full unless there is a special reason. It was noted that the By-Laws allow individuals to pay quarterly. A question was raised about continuation of the practice of paying dues quarterly.

Marcia Marks reported one resignation, regular members John and Folly King, who have moved. Because of the vote to increase membership, we have 15 new temporary members: Marjorie and Amos Eno; Frank Daspit and Nell Hennessey; Tom and Janice Pawlicki; Norman and Nancy Metzger; Billy and Naomi Bays; William and Dona Ruth Teel; Albert and Katherine Kapikian; David and Leslie Schneier; Charles Pil1 and Barbara Fisher; Kenneth and Chris Sale; Peter and Debra Friedmann; Larry and Eve Sherman; Don and Nancy Smith; Jeff Finn and Carolyn Adair, Dwight and Pamela Griswold, Christopher and Lauren Grant were also moved to temporary. Members seconded and approved these selections.

Added to the waiting list were Stefan and Shelah Leader and Robert Lehrman. Horace Custis was recommended to honorary membership in February. At present we have 17 non-resident; 121 regular; 34 temporary; 26 senior members and 58 on the waiting list.

Captain: In the absence of John Matthews, Peter Jones reported that at this time the crocuses are frozen solid on the 1sland; the water is up 6 feet, and therefore, the island is officially closed. No caretakers there this weekend. Jack Sanders asked Peter if he had received any official report from people who put in new fish ladder. Peter said they did not give an official report, but they indicated there had been few changes from past years.

Betty Burchel1 had no official report, but in regard to past discussions about trees, she stated that no trees have been cut down except by beavers. As decided at a previouis meeting, the grounds committee will continue to discuss the pros and cons of cutting trees and a decision will be made.


Jack Sanders reminded members that volunteers are needed for the 3d Saturday workday on March 18. The workfest and potluck supper will be held on Saturday, April 16. Jack felt more attention should be focused on this event and suggested Saturday caretakers telephone members. Brad Coolidge suggested that a notice could be put in the Islander asking members to call 2 or 3 other members to remind them of the event. Jack Sanders will consult with David Lyles as best way to publicize Workfest, Apri1 16.

Members were also reminded of Race date on May 7, and al1 members are encouraged to attend, especially officers of club. The Sycamore Island Club is the official host of the event. Usual1y over 100 persons participate in the event, and refreshments are served on the island.

Gerry Barton reported on how to get a fishing license for the non-tidal Potomac River (above Little Falls dam). Just telephone the Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources (in telephone book) and they will mail you the proper forms. The license costs $8.00.

Members were reminded that at the April meeting back on the Island, a slide show by nature photographer Roger Cole will be presented.

Jack Sanders thanked the Nobles for their hospitality to members. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary, 12 March 1989