Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

January 11, 1989

The meeting was called to order at the home of Angela and Jeffrey Glosser, a January tradition, at 8:00 p.m. by President David Lyles.

Present were: Mary Vogel, Joe Vogel, Edith Corliss, Brad Coo1idge, Dorothy Malusky, George Malusky, John Thomson, Herbert Marks, Ange1a Glosser, David Lyles, Betty Burchell, Nancy Bower, Marcia Marks, Gerry Barton, Peter Jones, Phil Jones, John Matthews, Jack Sanders, Mark Schlefer, Marion Schlefer, Max Goepp, Jeff Glosser, Peter Fuchs.

The minutes were approved for the months of November and December as printed in the January Islander.

David Lyles reported that two letters concerning the environment were published in the January Islander. The letter by Robert Black was sent in his own name and did not need to be approved by club. The other letter by Marion SchIefer concerned possible effluent discharged into the Potomac by proposed wastewater treatment plant in Virginia. Since there was no objection, David will sign the letter addressed to the Virginia State Water Control Board and also send copies to the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (suggested by John Thomson) and to the Water Resources Research Center of the University of the District of Columbia (suggested by Edith Corliss).

David also reported that we are being considered by the Historic Planning Commission in Montgomery County as an historic site. Although the idea is flattering, there are ramifications to consider: i.e. we couldn't make changes to the clubhouse without permission. Actually, the commission looked at the clubhouse from the towpath and recommended that we not be designated an historic site (the clubhouse is eclectic in style and nobody important belonged to the club anyway). A public hearing will be held by the Maryland National Park and Planning Commission on January 30, and we could testify if we wanted to contest the decision. David Lyles recommended that for the record we send a letter to thank the Maryland National Park and Planning Commission for considering us but tell them we feel we don't meet the standards and let the matter drop. A motion was approved to accept David's recommendation.


For his year-end report, Mark SchIefer reported expenses of 2,781 in December; deposits and dividends of $316; a balance of $14,633 in the CMA account; and total liquid assets of $29,633. Summing up the 1988 budget, Mark reported that although we had to exceed the budget in a few particular items, we came out year-end around $350 under budget.

Financial Secretary:
Bil1 Banta was not present, but a final December report was sent in by Maximilian Goepp. He reported dues of $199.75; application fees of $60; and large parties, $11; for a total of $270.75

Members were reminded that notices of dues have been sent out and should be paid promptly. A question was raised about dues for 1989. It was pointed out that dues are set by club members. The amount was approved as stated in the budget at the December meeting, according to the By-laws, p. 4, Item #16.

John Matthews reported he has been considering how to expand the caretaker's quarters. David Lyles suggested that he and John and any other interested persons think about the changes and discuss at February meeting.

Marcia Marks reported no resignations and two new applicants. She sent out notice about guest cards and received $765 for the cards.

Betty Burchel1 requested help in raking leaves on island. David Lyles reminded members of 3d Saturday workday on Saturday, Jan. 21.

John Matthews reminded members not to overload the ferry, especial1y in winter. It can be very dangerous. The limit is 10 persons but it depends on the weight. Better to be conservative.

The suggestion was made that a sign should be posted on the ferry stating the limit of passengers allowed on the ferry.


David Lyles announced the February meeting will be at home of Al Brown; March meeting, John and Diane Noble; April meeting back on the island, with a s1ide show by nature photographer Roger Co1e.

Caretaker Peter Jones will be on vacation from January 20-23, but the island will be covered by the membership.

John Thomson announced that the Dept. of Natural Resources is re-assessing Great Falls. They want people who paddle Class VI to register with them. John has written letter asking them to allow canoeists to register at Great Falls rather than in Annapolis.

As the main item of business for the evening, Jeff Glosser, chairman of the Law Committee, had invited Robert Lochin of Insurance One to discuss insurance needs of the club. Jeff Glosser explained that Bob's group had handled our insurance for the past 20 years, and he had asked him to analyze our old insurance po1icies and suggest what we might need.

Bob Lachin gave members copies of his analysis and suggestions for our insurance needs (incorporated into the minutes), and a detailed discussion followed.

At present the club has insurance for Liability, Flood, and Workers' Compensation. Proposed new coverage includes Fire policy for property (not including canoes); Employee Dishonesty Bond; and Umbrella for increased liability. The present liability coverage of one million includes the ferry and club canoes, but we should have a good waiver and be sure members and guests sign it. David Lyles will send a copy of our present waiver to Bob Lachin. The point was brought out that it is a possibility that officers of a club can be held liable in a lawsuit.

After discussion of the various types of proposed new insurance, both members and Bob Lachin agreed that our main danger is liability. We should devote our resources to increased liability coverage and focus less on insuring physical property. Jeff Glosser, Mark Schlefer, and Herbert Marks all recommended we consider the five million umbrella liability coverage at $2,750 annually. Umbrella coverage is a generic name for excess liability and extends present coverage. David Lyles pointed out that possible increased costs for liability had been foreseen in the new budget; therefore, there would be no need for increase in dues for 1989.

Jeff Glosser moved to authorize Bob Lachlin to seek an Umbrella policy of five million liability and if successful to contact David Lyles or Jeff. Motion approved. David Lyles thanked Bob Lachlin and all who participated in study. No decision on fire insurance was made at this time.

David Lyles asked members to consider two items for future discussion: a possible move for a modest increase in membership and overhauling present membership categories. David thanked the Glossers for their hospitality. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary, 19 January 1989