The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island at 8:05 p.m. by President David Lyles.
Present were:
Betty Eurchell, Bruce Dobbins, Peter Jones, Art Gutnick, Anita Caplan, Victoria Dobbins, David Lyles, Marcia Marks, Bob Caplan, Peter Fuchs, Jack Sanders, John Thomson, Brad Coolidge, Charles Trammel
The minutes of the September meeting were accepted as printed in The Sycamore Islander (October, 1988).
David Lyles reported receiving a phone call from a real estate person looking for an island to purchase for a client.
In the absence of Mark Schlefer, John Thomson reported expenditures of $1,792.67: deposits of $216.80; dividends of $153.73; and total liquid assets of $34,361.93.
Financial Secretary:
John Thomson reported for Maximilian Goepp receipts of $90 application fees and $79.96 guest card fees for a total income of $169.96.
Deputy Captain Jack Sanders reported that volunteers are needed for Saturdays in November and December from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. During October the times will remain on two shifts, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Marcia Marks reported there were no resignations. Two families were added to the waiting list, Anita and Robert Caplan; and Barbara Berney and Jack Needleman. There are 17 non-residents, 124 regular, 18 temporary, 24 senior members, and 67 on the waiting list.
Betty Burchell reported that the Kennedy's had planted grass seed that was coming up nicely and should not be mowed.
Peter Fuchs had little to report, but if anyone can provide picture frames and ceiling light fixtures, it would be appreciated.
Nominating Committee:
Jack Sanders said everything is going well, and they will have a report ready for the Islander for the November edition.
Discussion was held regarding the Saturday caretaker. Jack Sanders reported that his system is going well with about 40 members covering the time periods. He printed a list, which will be published in the Islander listing names for coverage during the first six months of the year. The most difficult time to get members is in the summer.
Discussion was had regarding asking teenagers to work as Saturday caretakers.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Marks, acting for Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary