The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island at 8:05 p.m. by President David Lyles.
Present were:
Mark P. Schlefer, Betty Burchell, Sally Strain, John Lentz, Marcia Marks, Chita Davis, Bruce Dobbins, Jack Sanders, Mary Vogel, Jay Ingersoll, Victoria Dobbins,
Marion Schlefer, David Lyles, Fern Ingersoll, John Thomas, Marilyn Fuchs,
Bruce Gaber, Patricia Barnett, Johnna Robinson, Peter Jones, Cathy Gaber, Paul Sailer, Greg Super, Peter Fuchs, Mimi Cantwell, Judy Lentz
The minutes of the August meeting were accepted as printed in The Sycamore Islander (September, 1966).
No communications to report.
Mark Schlefer reported deposits of $1,241, expenses of $5,345, dividends of $292 and a balance of $20.764 in the CMA account at the end of August. With the authorization in July to transfer $500 from Repairs and Maintenance to Plumbing, we are on budget in all categories and should continue so until the end of the year. Total liquid assets are $35,784.
Financial Secretary:
Max Goepp reported dues of $40, application fees of $90, a special assessment of $2.50, large parties, $51, and guest card fees of $33.30 for a total income of $216.80 for month of August.
Deputy captain Jack Sanders reported that the club had recently bought a leaf blower, thereby freeing members for other chores than leaf raking at workfests. Volunteers are needed for Saturday caretaking duties for October, November, and December. In November and December the hours will be shortened to 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., necessitating only one person for duty. Jack will present a proposal at the next meeting on how to handle next year's caretaking duties, and David Lyles asked him to write an article for the Islander describing his proposal. David asked members to consider if they wanted to continue to have volunteers cover the caretaker's Saturday day off or hire someone for that day. John Thomson mentioned that for many years, junior members carried out that task and were paid for it. David Lyles feels personally that members should participate in club duties and Saturday caretaking substitution is part of it. He reminded members that we are committed to cover the caretaker's day off during this year.
David Lyles asked members to attend the 3d Saturday work session this Saturday, Sept. 17, which will concentrate on completing covering the sides of the wood shed. Peter Jones reported that the front lights on island are out but have been looked at. During the recent heavy electrical storm we lost the top of the large tulip tree and also a big sycamore.
Marcia Marks reported that we had no resignations, 9 new applications, and at present a waiting list of 65. Added to waiting list are: Robert and Elizabeth Nicholas, Washington; Karl Kosok and Emily Glazer, Silver Spring; Ronald and Leslie Bruno, Arlington, Norman and Elen Eule, Bethesda; Milton and Patricia Cerny, Arlington; Robert and Katalin Hardi, Bethesda; John and Jyl Pomeroy, Arlington: Matthias and Louis Meyer, Washington; and Glen Garelik, Washington. Membership at present includes 17 non-resident; 124 regular; 18 temporary; 24 senior and 65 waiting.
Jack Sanders, chairman of the Nominating Committee, which reports in December, asks for suggestions for a carpentry supervisor but otherwise progress is good.
David Lyles had been asked by Supervisor of Parties Patricia Barnett to bring to the membership a question of interpretation of the By-Laws and Standing Rules. The question is: "Are holders of guest cards (people on the waiting list) allowed to have large parties on the island?"
David read the By-Laws on this question and according to Standing Rule No. 8 concerning guests, holders of guest cards and their immediate families are entitled to use of the facilities of the island, subject to restrictions listed in the Standing Rules. Since the Standing Rules specifies "holders of such cards and their immediate families," David interpreted this rule to mean that holders of guest cards cannot hold large parties on the island. Members concurred. Holders of guest cards could ask members for sponsorship help.
John Thomson congratulated John Lentz for the honors bestowed on him for his wilderness canoeing experiences as described in Canoe magazine and noted in the September Islander issue.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m., and members had the pleasure of watching a presentation by Cathy and Bruce Gaber on an ecological perspective of the Anacostia River.
Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary
Monday, 26 September 1988