Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

August 10, 1988

The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island at 8:05 p.m. by President David Lyles.

Present were:
David Lyl es, Charles Trammell Jr. A1 Brown, Peter Jones, Betty Burchell, Patricia Barnett, Mary Vogel

The minutes of the July meeting were accepted as printed in The Sycamore Islander (August, 1988).


Mark Schlefer is on vacation.

Financial Secretary:
Max Goepp sent in his monthly report, noting $561.43 for dues; $120 for application fees; and $160 for guest card fees, with a total income of $641.43 for July.

Marcia Marks sent word that there was little activity this month except for more calls from people interested in being put on waiting list.

John Mathews was not present. Peter Jones reported that the fire department had called to make an appointment to inspect the island this coming Friday, August 12. The fire extinguishers had recently been inspected in readiness for the visit. David Lyles asked Peter to call him if any problems developed.

Betty Burchell reported that she will be in charge of the 3d Saturday workday on August 20 as David Lyles will be away. The 3d Saturday workday in September has been designated "Barn Raising Day" to finish work on the tool shed.

David Lyles reported receiving a communication from archivist Phil Stone. Phil asked David to inform the nominating committee that because of declining health he was regretfully giving up his position as archivist at the close of 1988. Phil included in his report special suggestions related to the matter of choosing a new archivist. He also expressed concern about finding a suitable land-based building where we could deposit our archives -- such as libraries or historical societies.

A motion was passed asking Phil Stone to search out possible appropriate places that would be open to having our archives deposited there. In the fall, we will appoint a committee to help Phil in his negotiations. David Lyles will write a letter to Phil about this matter and will also thank him for his years of service to the club.


David Lyles wanted to state for the record that Julia Fuchs did an outstanding job as interim caretaker and wanted to express the appreciation of club members.

Pat Barnett asked members for a definition of what constitutes a large party (discussed at last month's meeting). According to By-Laws that David Lyles has on record, a large party is a party of 10 or more, over and above member's family.

David Lyles wanted to remind members that the long anticipated talk by Catherine and Bruce Gaber on The Anacostia River: An Ecological Perspective will be presented at the September meeting.


Betty Burchell expressed concern about rocks near the float that could possibly interfere with diving. After some discussion, David Lyles asked Peter Jones to make a sign to insure safe diving from the float.

Charles Trammell asked members to consider in the near future constructing a covered and dryer entryway to the caretaker's quarters.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary
Thursday, 11 August 1986