The meeting was called to order on Sycamore Island at 8:05 p.m. by John Seabury Thomson in absence of President David Lyles.
Present were:
Mary Vogel, Bruce Gaber, Jack Sanders, Bill Banta, John Thomson, Cathy Gaber, John Stapko, Marion Schlefer, Patricia Barnett Art Gutnick, John Matthews, Mark Schlefer, Gerry Barton, Peter Jones, Julia Fuchs, Joe B. Vogel, Betty Burchell, Peter Fuchs
The minutes of the June meeting were accepted as printed in The Sycamore Islander (July, 1988).
No communications to report.
Mark Schiefer reported deposits of $1,253; dividends of $128; and expenses of $1,431 and balance of $24,595 in CMA account for June. Total liquid assets are $39,595. Expenses for health insurance have been transferred from salaries to insurance account. We continue to have large plumbing expenses, and as reported in last month's minutes, it was informally agreed to combine House and Plumbing and Repairs and Maintenance categories, which keeps us well within budget. Plumbing expenses include past work on sewer line and sinks and just recently the installation of new sewer line. Coming up will be expenses for repairs to well. But by extrapolating our total budget, we still hope to be within our budget at end of year.
Financial Secretary:
John Thomson reported (for Max Goepp) dues of $160, application fees of $60, special assessment of $20, and guest card fees of $160 for a total income in June of $400.
John Matthews reported that the new sewer line had been completed. John Thomson stated that John and Joe O'Boyle should be commended for their work on the line. John Matthews asked for members' help this 3d Saturday workday in completing the shed in back. John also expressed concern over Island canoes being left on the canoe float. He asked for a notice in the Islander requesting members to return canoes to where they originally found them.
Marcia Marks was not present.
John Thomson thanked members for their help in getting out Islander in his absence.
John Thomson reported that after 21 years as archivist, Phil Stone would like to pass on the job of archivist to another member. Phil Stone is featured in a recent issue of the Washington Times on Cleveland Park, where Phil is a longtime resident.
Art Gutnick reported a problem with outside lights, which will be checked out.
Betty Burchell reported that at last month's meeting $75 had been allotted to buy wildflower plants (not seeds as reported in minutes) of which only $47 has been spent at this time. She is trying to plant flowers that will grow under natural conditions, suited to the environment. John Stapko offered to cut up the fallen tree with a chain saw. Part of the wood wil1 be cut for firewood and other pieces incorporated into the berm under Betty's direction.
Al Brown is out of town but on his return will give his attention to ladders for swim float.
It was reported that the kitchen was left in bad condition after a large party, and Patricia Barnett will check into this.
Peter Fuchs reported that members are keeping the main room in very good condition since its recent painting. A question was raised as to where to keep the ping gong table.
Art Gutnick asked why the new Syamore Island sign hasn't been put up by the ferry. Bill Banta said that it will be put up very soon.
John Thomson had been asked by David Lyles to bring before members suggestions for the appointment of the Nomination Committee. Members approved the following persons for the committee: Jack Sanders, Betty Burchell, and Greg Super.
John Thomson reported that Peter Jones will be on vacation from July 24 to Aug 3. Julia Fuchs will act as caretaker in his absence. Her hours will be from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. The ferry will be locked on the shore side in the evenings. Betty Burchell suggested we may need a new lock for the ferry, and it was agreed to buy a new one.
Jack Sanders asked for volunteers for Saturday caretaking for August.
John Thomson reported that the Dept. of Natural Resources wants to come to the Island on July 21 and 22 to seine for juvenile fish to get a current count of the fish here in Broadwater to compare with later census after the new fish ladder is put in. Members concurred.
As there was a difference of opinion on what constitutes a large party, John Thomson asked members for a consensus for Betty Burchell to have a party for 25 at this time, and it was approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary
Thursday, 14 July 1988