The meeting was called to order at the home of Jean and Brad Coolidge (because of high water at the island) at 8:05 p.m. by Vice-President Bill Banta in the absence of President David Lyles. The talk scheduled for tonight by Catherine and Bruce Gaber on the Anacostia River was postponed until the July meeting.
Present were:
Mary Vogel, Jean Coolidge, Mark Schlefer, Peter Jones, Bill Banta, John Thomson, Pat Barnett, Peter Fuchs, Brad Coolidge, Al Brown, John Crook, Phil Jones, Marion Schlefer, John Lentz, Betty Burchell, Marilyn Fuchs, Marcia Marks
The minutes of the April meeting were accepted as printed in The Sycamore Islander (May, 1988).
No communications to report.
Mark Schlefer reported expenditures of $3,570 during April with $22,500 in deposits, $762 interest from CD; and dividends of $65. At end of period we have a balance of $22,770 in CMA account and our total liquid assets are $37,770. Mark stated we were reasonably within our budget except that we were reaching our ceiling on House and Plumbing expenses. However, he saw no need for any change in the budget at this time.
Financial Secretary:
John Thomson reported for Max Goepp. Total receipts through April 30 included $3,196 for dues; $40 initiation fees; $150 application fees; $185 for the special assessment; and $12 for canoe rack rental, making a total of $3,583. As a comment on the loyalty of our members, John reported that he had suggested to long-time member Louise O'Neil that she might like to become a senior member. She was outraged at the thought, saying once a regular member, always a regular member.
John Matthews was not present. Bill Banta reminded members of the Red Cross canoe course to be taught by David Lyles on June 3, 4, and 5, the last two dates at the island. He mentioned several projects for the 3d Saturday workday: general cleanup after the flood; siding for tool shed; digging hole for washing machine outlet; and making path around fallen black walnut tree.
Marcia Marks reported no resignations this month. Robert Wear and Adam DeVito were moved to non-resident status. It was recommended that Susan McConnell be moved to temporary membership and so moved. Moved from senior to regular membership were Patricia Barnett and Charles O'Brien. Added to the waiting list were Anna Gunnarsson and Leonard Pfeiffer, Bethesda; David and Jane Winer, Bethesda; and Thomas Levy and Deborah Sheppard, Bethesda. At present we have 18 non-resident members; 126 regular; 14 temporary; 24 senior; and 60 on the waiting list.
John Thomson introduced a motion that Margaret and Robert Farr, who have been very active members since 1952, be moved to Honorary membership. Motion passed.
Grounds Committee:
Betty Burchell presented a report on the activities of her group, which at its recent meeting felt that they had a general understanding of what they are trying to achieve (report to be incorporated into the minutes). The committee wants to thank members for their compliments, hard work, and cooperation in following directions.
Tasks which members can undertake at their convenience will be posted on the island bulletin board. If small groups, even two persons, want to work on the grounds and need ideas, please call Betty at 229-1886. Betty reported that Bill Banta has started a crusade against kudzu and members are invited to help him. Also the National Park Service told Betty that they have found very few gypsy moth larvae on our section of the towpath. Recently a large black walnut tree fell at the northern tip of the island. Members are requested to pile any fallen branches beside the berm and not on it. The space between the berm and the large tree should also be left free of branches.
Betty thanked Phil Jones and his group for their survey of members in which members indicated their interests.
Canoe Supervisor:
John Lentz asked members to contact him at 229-4968 (incorrect in newsletter) if they have any questions or comments about the draft of the canoe shed inventory that appeared in this month's Islander. It is very important that all boats should be marked with name of owner and number of rack, especially needed in times of flood when canoes must be moved.
House Committee:
Peter Fuchs reported that the clubroom has been painted. He has posted a draft list of locker assignments; call him if you have any questions. The committee still plans to buy lampshades for lights and make further improvements as money becomes available.
John Thomson reported that Joan Kennedy will be editor of Islander in June while he is in China. Materials for newsletter are needed by May 23 as meeting is early, June 8.
Phil Jones acting for Jack Sanders asked for more volunteers to sign up for weekend caretaking. Members felt there should be further discussion of caretaking since the same members are volunteering instead of participation of all members. It was suggested an article be written for the Islander bringing this problem to everyone's attention. Peter Jones suggested letting people on the waiting list act as caretakers on weekends in the summer after training session.
Brad Coolidge commented on the excellent quality of articles in the Islander. He has especially enjoyed the articles from our caretaker Peter Jones.
Bill Banta thanked the Coolidges for acting as hosts to the club on such short notice. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. to enjoy the refreshments prepared by our hosts.
Mary Vogel, Recording Secretary
Thursday, 19 May 1988