Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

December 13, 1978

The meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. by President Coolidge at his home, 5427 Mohican Rd., Mohican Hills, Md. The following 28 persons were present:

Mrs. Bakeman, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein, Mrs. Bower, Mr. Cantwell, Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, Mrs. Doolittle, Mr. Finn, Mr. Fox, Mr. Hollowell, Miss Johnson, Mr. Dallas Jones, Mr. Philip Jones, Mr. Malusky, Mr. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Powell, Mr. McGinty, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Schlefer, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Stone, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Wood.

The minutes of the meeting of November 8, 1978 were read by the Recording Secretary, Mr. Stone, and approved.


Mr. Thomson stated that he had received a check for $72 from Mrs. Elizabeth Corsa, an honorary member, and $20 from Mrs. Dorothy Wall, the widow of a former member, both intended to help with the cost of the renovation.


The Treasurer, Mr. Philip Jones, reported that receipts for the month of November amounted to $272, disbursements were $643.61 and the balance of the working funds on hand at the end of the month was $2701.93 of which $2552.27 was in the checking account and $149.66 in the savings account. Mr. Jones estimated that about $3000 would be available from 1978 funds to meet the cost of renovation of the caretakers' quarters.

Financial Secretary
The co-Financial Secretary, Mr. Malusky, reported deposits of $70, including $38 from membership dues, $2 from guest fees, and $30 from an application fee. Only $12 dues is currently outstanding.

The new applicant is Dr. James N. Ramey (whose wife is Ylene L. Ramey), 6400 Wynkoop Blvd., Bethesda, MD. 20034.

The Captain, Mr. Matthews, reported that the contractor, Mr. Deakins, has commenced work on renovation of the caretakers' quarters. He said the estimate of the cost of the job was now about $6,000 and explained the arrangements for payment. The estimate includes $600 for appliances. $1,800 is to be paid Mr. Deakins on delivery to the island of the materials.

There was a discussion of how to get sufficient cash to pay the contractor before the new dues payments start coming in in January. It was moved and passed that the president, secretary, and treasurer contact members to obtain short-term loans, if this should be necessary to meet the contractor's terms. The co-Financial Seretary also volunteered to mail out the January dues bills earlier than usual in the hope that some members will pay their 1979 dues in December 1978.

Mr. Matthews indicated that he is pleased with the new caretakers.

Eligibility Committee
In the absence of Mr. Bower, Mrs. Richards reported that there are no membership changes and that there are nine persons on the applicant list.

Caretaker Search Committee
Mrs. Bateman reported that three caretakers, Tom Cantwell, Brent Hollowell, and Zach Rotwein began work on December 1 as joint caretakers. They are all about 20 years old and either are part-time students or have part-time jobs. They have agreed to cover the island all day every day, dividing up the responsibilities between them.

There was a discussion of whether we would still need Saturday caretakers. It was decided that we would still pay $10 for Saturday work, whether as additional pay to the regular caretakers, or compensation to a substitute should they so desire.

House Committee
Mrs. Bauer, co-chairman, expressed thanks to those who had cleaned the clubhouse during the November workfest.


Bills aggregating $146.89 were authorized for payment, including $107.89 for the Islander.


Mrs. Richards made the report for the nominating committee, but it was agreed to omit reading of the slate of Officers, Supervisors, and Committee Chairman already published in the December Islander. The slate was duly elected.

Mrs. Richards also presented a recommendation that on the questionnaire sent out to new members regarding their interests we elicit information as to their willingness to serve as committee chairman, as well as simply to be a member of the committee. This was approved.


Following a notice in the December Islander that an increase in dues would be proposed at this meeting, and after extended discussion, it was voted to increase the membership dues to $84 per year effective January 1, 1979. It was realized that this would probably not be sufficient to meet the costs of the renovation plus regular operating expenses in 1979, but it was agreed to postpone consideration of the need for additional financing until after the middle of 1979.

The January meeting is to be held January 10, 1979 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson, 23 Grafton St., Chevy Chase, Maryland.

The meeting adjourned at 9:52 PM, after which the members enjoyed refreshments served by Mrs. Coolidge.

Philip J. Stone,
Recording Secretary